Chapter 1: Helm's Deep

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Aerlinniel POV

"Aerlinniel, please." Legolas begs, "Look at me."


"Please." He says again.

"No, I cannot Legolas! I just cannot!" I tell him, getting frustrated and removing my hands from his grasp. He just doesn't understand.

"Why?" He questions.

"Because, Legolas..." I say hesitantly as a tear slips down my cheek. I take a deep breath and make a decision, "...I am blind."

I can sense as he quickly stands up and then he half-shouts, "What?!"

I stay silent and he walks a few feet away. Maybe I shouldn't have told him yet, but I knew I had to tell him. He doesn't say anything so he must be thinking. Maybe I can sneak away. He is probably upset with me and I need to know if Aragorn is alive or not.

I wait another minute before quietly standing up and head the opposite direction. He does not seem to notice, thankfully. All I have to do now is try to find Aragorn and also try not to get lost or killed. 

Legolas POV

Aerlinniel is blind?! How can she be blind? She has to be lying to me...but why would she lie about something like that? How have I not noticed before? I guess, now that I think about it, that there were little things that could have given it away. But, I could never tell that she was blind. How can she fight so well?

I turn around to ask her, but she wasn't where she was before. I look around but don't see her. "Aerlinniel?" I call out, "Aerlinniel?"

"What's going on? Where's Aerlinniel?" Gimli asks me, walking over with Arod.

"She went to go find Aragorn," I tell him.

"Alright, well, we need to get going and get to Helm's Deep. Aerlinniel should be back soon, and hopefully with Aragorn." 

I am about to tell him that I am going to go after her, but there is a chance I might not find her. And, I don't think she wants me telling Gimli about her being blind. It looked like it was really hard for her to tell me that. I will go to Helm's Deep and if she is not back soon, I will go out to look for her. I think that would be my best choice right now.

I give Gimli a nod and help him on the horse, then I mount the horse. Hopefully, Aerlinniel will be alright. Maybe I shouldn't wait to go look for her. I shake my head. No, she will be fine. She survived for so long on her own, she can make it back. I hope.

Aerlinniel POV

I have been travelling for a long time, mostly going downhill. I reach a small shore, my ears alert for any noise. I walk along the water, hearing the waves calms me a bit. I am about to try a different direction when I hear two heartbeats. More specifically, Aragorn's heartbeat and the other I recognise to be his horse's.

I run up to him and find him laying on the ground. I kneel down next to him.

"Aragorn," I whisper.

"Arwen?" He asks.

"I'm sorry, but no. It's Aerlinniel," I tell him. He lets out a sigh. "I knew you were alive! When I told Legolas that I was going to come find you, he wouldn't let me. Luckily he was distracted and I was able to sneak away when I told him I was blind."

"What? You're blind?" He questions and I internally facepalm. Great, I was so happy to find him alive and I accidentally told him that I was blind. Well, he would have probably found out sooner or later anyways.

"Yes." I answer honestly and then change the subject, "Are you hurt?"

Thankfully, he doesn't ask me any more questions, and replies, "It hurts to move, but I will be alright."

"Here, I will help you on the horse. We need to get to Helm's Deep." I tell him and grab his arm.

Eventually, I get him up onto the horse. Then I mount it and get in front of Aragorn so he can hold onto me. 

"How did you find me?" He asks.

"I was taught to recognise people by their heartbeats," I tell him, simply. "Now, I do not know how to get to Helm's Deep, so you have to help me."

After a little while of travelling, I hear hundreds of thousands of heartbeats. They must be orcs heading for Helm's Deep. There are so many of them, we have to hurry and warn them.


We finally reach Helm's Deep and they let us in. We ride down and then I hear Gimli's voice, "Where is he? Where is he? Get out of the way! I'm going to kill him! You are the luckiest, the canniest, and the most reckless man I ever knew. Bless you laddie." 

Then Gimli turns to me and gives me a hug and says, "Thank you for looking for him. Legolas has been pacing ever since we got here because he was so worried about you. I do not know why. I know you can handle yerself, lassie."

Legolas was worried about me? I wonder where he is now. Maybe I should go find him and talk to him. I feel bad for making him worry about me. I just really needed to know Aragorn was alive. While talking to Gimli, Aragorn left. He probably went to go find King Theoden to let him know.

"It is because I told him that I am blind." I decide to tell him since I've already told Legolas and accidentally told Aragorn.

"Ah, that's understandable." He says and I get really confused.

"You know I am blind?" I question.

"Yes, I do. My father told me when he was telling me the tales of what you all went through. I didn't say anything because I assumed ya didn't want anyone to know." He tells me.

I give him a smile and say, "Thank you, Gimli. Now, where is Legolas?"

"Come, I will show ya."

I follow him until I hear Legolas' heartbeat.

"Aerlinniel!" He shouts and runs over to me. I am expecting for him to yell at me, but I am shocked when he hugs me. "I was so worried about you." 

I hug him back and apologise, "I am sorry, I did not mean to worry you. I'm fine, I promise."

"I need to talk with you," Legolas tells me, backing out of the hug.

"I know." 


YAY! It's the first chapter of the 8th book in my series! :D Hope you all liked this first chapter! Updates are every Sunday and Thursday!

Love you my elves from the realm of llamas,

~Ellethwen <3

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