Chapter 2

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I was having a walk on the park to relax my mind when my eye lands on a girl with her dog sitting on the bench smiling, holding a stick on her right hand and a leash on the other. She's the most beautiful girl i've ever seen. Her pearl skin, long black hair that brusher through her shoulder,her cute nose, pink lips and the most that really caught my attention is her cat like eyes and oh gosh! those dumpling cheeks.

I wasn't even aware that i've been staring at her for quite some time. I was destructed when a kid suddenly bump into me causes him to fall.

Are you ok kid? I ask. He nodded and apologized for bumping into me.

It's ok kid, Just be careful next time. I said as i helped him get up.

Thank you miss, Sorry again. I have to go now, my mom is looking for me. He said before running away.

Aish this kid. When I looked at the bench again the girl not there anymore. I just shrugged it off and went back to walking.

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