Chapter 13

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"would you like some coffee or any drink?" i ask jennie while helping her sat down on the couch once we got inside my office. My heart is pounding and im having goosebumps in every skin contact I made with's like on the first time. i felt electricity run through my veins. God! this is crazy!

"uhm just water please" she said showing her infamous gummy smile. I looked down trying to hide my blushing face even if she can't actually see me.

"here" i said still looking down

"uhhmm lisa?"


"can you put it in my hand? i ahh..i can't see it" she stated the obvious and i face palmed my face.I know i'm an idiot..

"oww ahh, drink this" i said and guided her hands to the glass that i was holding on my other hand.


"It's me ma'am"

"come in"

"miss the meeting is in ten minutes. The conference room is all set up and they are already waiting for you miss.


She was about to close the door when I talked again

"and put a chair beside my chair for my fiancé" i heard a gasp beside me and i can see my secretary widen her eyes upon hearing me..ok ...i didn't know what came into my mind on why did i fucking said that "word" but naturally came out of my mouth.

" can go now"

"y-yes miss"


oh fuck!fuck!fuck! did she just-oh shit..stupid jennie..uurrggg..she just said it again..claiming me as her fiancé. What the hell did I got myself into? There was an awkward silence once the door was closed.

"u-uhmm" we both said at the same time making the moment more awkward.

"i- uhh..hrmm..lets go" lisa said as she hold my hands guiding me out of her office. I didn't say i word and i just let he drag me..I mean I can't..feels like there's lump on my throat preventing me to speak.

Her hand clams on my own soft and tender. I can feel her caressing the back of my hand with her tumb to calm me down. I know she can feel me trembling and my hands are sweating. The hell! only her can give me these effect. Manoban effect.

"Relax love" i heard her say but i trembled more. My knees are feeling week. Holy shit! did she just called me lo- love?!

"w-what?l-ove?" i ask sttutering.Damn it!

"i- i-.."

"ma''s all set. they are waiting" she got cut off by her secretary and she just hummed in response tightening our hands.

My heart is about to burst out of my chest. Oh god! Why is she like this to me? Did she mean that? Does she like me? Nahh..Nobody will like someone like me.

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