Chapter 14

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Third person POV

Kai is currently waiting at the conference room relaxing and thinking about the incident earlier having nasty fantasies on the girl he just saw a while ago and not minding his father's stiff and worried expression. He doesn't care about other people. His parents are actually good persons, came from middle grade family who worked hard with all their blood and tears to get where they are and how rich they have become before having kai. But kai is an arrogant person. He kept his head high and mighty and thought of other people lower than him like he could do whatever he wants and can close this deal easily and find the girl. Well...that was what he thought....Until...

"Jongin..h-how could you do that?!"

"What are you talking about father?"

"You made a big mistake.How could you?!"

"What? what mistake? is it about that gay couple a while ago? pfffftt.. I am Kim Jongin. The heir of Kim Corps. How dare them to talk back and even look me in the eye?"

"You arrogant brat!! you have no idea what you've done!"

"Who is that stupid gay anyway. why are you acting like that? i bet she's just one of the useless employees here.. I'll ask miss Manoban to fire her once we close this deal"


I was about to open the door when I heard that dickhead talk and what did he just said?Fire me?! Pppffftt! Stupid dickhead. You won't even have the chance to present your proposals.

My secretary was about to open the door for me but i stopped her thinking on how to make this game more exciting. Raising my eyebrow for her to get my message, she stepped backwards. I opened the door holding jennie's hands settling her on the chair beside my chair the CEO's chair.

"woah..what a surprise, are you here to serve us some drinks? very well then, make me some coffee and make it fast!"

My secretary widened her eyes upon hearing him talk to me like that. I mean, no body as in no body has talked to me like that.

A/N :

As lisa's secretary was about to stop jong-in, lisa gave her a glare to stop her and enough to send shivers in her spine. On the other hand, the old Kim looked at the tall girl in horror. He badly wanted to say something and stop his son from his stupidity but none came from his mouth as Lisa's dark aura emitted inside the room. Beads of sweat forming in his forehead, his legs are trembling in fear. Man, he could have a heart attack any minute now. He felt his world crushed. all his hard works are about to vanish. How could his son do this to him.

"What are you still doing in here?!!"

Jong-in shouted startling them. Well not all of them as a smirk forms on Lisa's lips while looking at the man straight in his eyes.

"It's show time" Lisa's thought. She was about to burst out into him when suddenly a pair of soft hands landed on her fist which is by the way turned white. Somehow it calmed her a bit. Jennie dragged her a bit for lisa's understanding to lean her ear on the brunets lips.

"Don't be too much love" Jennie whispers and she nodded in response.

"M-miss Ma--"

"Please take a sit" lisa interrupts him motioning them to take a sit.

"What the hell! Father, why are you listening to her? and you!! Didn't I told you to make me some coffee? or should i call the guards to throw you out of this room? you useless gay!!"

"Kai shut up!" his father shush as he glare at him.

The young CEO stood in front of him with smirk plastered on her face.

"Lis" having jennie talked like that lisa understands her, she squeezes their clamped hands to assure her.

Lisa cleared her throat to get kai's attention.

"Seems like we haven't introduced properly. Lalisa Manoban"

Having said that,  her smirk grew bigger as she can see how wide kai's eyes are.

"M-a'am..m-miss lisa." Trembling wasn't marked unnoticed on his voice as he speak. Well, who wouldn't right?  The person that he just insulted not just once but for the whole time being in Manoban Corps.' building. And worst, he even insulted and perverted the CEO's fiance.(Well atleast that's what they thought)


>>>WELP!!that's it for today...hahaha

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