The new Billy

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We walked home in silence, I didn't want to talk about the hickey Brett had given me. I walked in the bathroom and grabbed Mary's makeup and used her foundation to cover it up.

Times skip~
Me and Freddy were in charge of washing the dishes as we eavesdrop on Rosa and Victor talking to a police officer on the phone. "Freddy I'm scared...I mean what if someone hurt him or he left for good." I whispered to him as I dried the dishes with the towel I had in my hand. "We'll find him bear, I promise." I gave him a weak smile and nodded.

Freddy let out a girly scream as a man in his forties wearing spandex held a sign saying Don't scream. "Uh Victor...Victor Victor!" Freddy squealed like a little girl as I rolled my eyes at him. "No it's Billy, it's Billy you asked me about flight or invisibility I thought that was stupid but I'm now like this and I need both of your help."

Billy quickly disappeared as Victor came in the room. "Hey bud and sweetie are you okay?" "Yeah no we're just sad because Billy's gone maybe it's because I snore you know." I started twitching my lips trying not to smile at the fact that Freddy is telling a lie.

"Hey it's not your fault kids. And Freddy you don't snore but you do smell." I couldn't help it but I laughed so loudly that I cried. "Hahahaha." Freddy mocked.

We both saw the man that looked like Billy and we slowly approached him. "Oh. Oh thank god!" He exclaimed as he started running over to us. I already had my phone out with 9-1-1 already in the phone.

"Hey stop right there how do we know your not a supervillain using telepathic ability to make us believe that your Billy? Because all my sister have to do is press dial on her phone!" Freddy yelled at the man as I showed him my phone.

"No no no no I got proof! I've got proof." He accidentally ripped open his backpack and showed Freddy his Superman's bullet. But Billy didn't know that the ziplock bag was upside down and the bullet fell down in the sewers. Well I guess Pennywise is rich.

"No no no!" Freddy cried as I winced. "Ahh stupid adult hands! But you saw it right you saw right? You both did. Freddy, Y/N I swear it's me," Billy insisted us. "Look Freddy, N/N I know we aren't close friends or anything, but you guys are the only people I know that know anything about this cape crusader stuff." Billy said.

"It's Batman." Freddy said to me. "Wait what." I whispered, Freddy waved it off asking Billy if he could touch his lighting symbol. "What yeah, yeah." Billy puffed out his chest and let Freddy brush his fingers on the symbol and I did also. "Okay what are your superpowers?" "Superpowers dude I don't even know how to pee in this thing."

"How about you try going invisible." I suggested Billy and Freddy. "Um...sure okay um." Billy stammers as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Oh my god it worked! Billy where are you!"

Freddy's POV
I knew what Y/N was doing and I decided to go along with it and it. "I'm invisible. I'm invisible!" He laughed but that laugh didn't last long because an eighteen year old yelled from across the street saying. "Hey nice outfit dipshit." He laughed. "We May have been testing super intelligence and telepathic ability at the same time." I laughed as Y/N laughed too.

Billy Batson x readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora