The confrontation

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"Oh you didn't know," I scoffed at him and told him what happened. "Because you stood us up I got a black eye, and Freddy got a suitcase wedgie!" "Look kid I don't know you and I love doing tricks with my hands lighting with my hands."

Is he for real or what? Just then everyone heard a loud boom. As Billy rushed over to the explosion he created as we walked over to it. "Freddy! Y/N! Did you see that!" Billy yelled excitedly at us like he just won a medal or something. "Yeah, you electrocuted a bus and almost killed these people!" Freddy yelled at Billy and I crossed my arms, staring at Billy.

"You two just wish it was you." Billy yelled after us as we were about to go. "Billy!" I gasped at Billy and Freddy turned around. "No shit! You think I would kill to have what you have? Because everything I do is like some desperate attempt to get people to notice me I mean look at me look at me. Do you even see me? Because most people don't because they don't want to and know you don't either. Oh and don't think N/N told me what you did to her. I asked you to do one thing! And that one thing was to take care of her and you can't even do that, I mean do you think this is who you are? Billy your fourteen and now you're now better than the Breyers. All this power and you just turned into a show off and a bully." Freddy started crying.

After that Freddy left, leaving me and Billy alone. "Billy all Freddy asked you to do is to come to lunch. Was that to much to ask? Hmm? First you wanted to leave, then you become this, next you fall in love with me, then you hit me and you didn't show up for your own girlfriend and brother. I can't believe you right now Billy Batson."

We walked angrily away but that's when we heard Billy calling for us and he was...flying. "Billy your flying." I exclaimed but then someone knocked Billy in the ground. "But who is the other guy?"

We ran to the mall where Billy and the supervillain was. "Billy! Billy where are you!" Freddy and I yelled as everyone evacuated out of the mall. Just then Freddy was pinned to a locker and I was thrown to the ground. "Where is he." "We aren't telling you anything!" I cried angrily as the man with the glowing eye grabbing my wrist tightly. "Little girl tell me where is he!" He whispered in my ear.

Times skip~
Y/N and Freddy were directing the man know known as Thaddeus Sivanna, shoves Freddy harshly making Y/N twist around and point her finger in his face. "Don't you ever put your hands on my brother again!" Thaddeus grip his hand around Y/N again, dragging her down the sidewalk.

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