Bullet immunity

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Billy, Y/N, and Freddy went to a Seven-11 store to purchase beer. "I like to purchase your finest beer please." The clerk looked at him up and down before pointing down an aisle. Y/N and Freddy stared at the woman before following Billy down the aisle.

"Boys I don't know about this, I mean we don't have fake I.D.'s." Y/N said as she bit her nails and jumped up and down, Freddy agreed with her as Billy rolled his eyes. "Y/N, Freddy would you two relax! Okay I am the fake I.D."

Just then two men in ski masks ran inside the store and pulled out guns, which startled Y/N.

"Everything from the cash register. Everything now!" One of them screamed at the clerk. "Go!" Freddy whispered softly to Billy, telling him to go and be a hero.

"Gentlemen why use guns when we can handle this like real men?" The robbers looked at him like he was a weirdo before pointing their guns at him. "Billy look out!" Freddy yelled as Y/N hugged Freddy tightly but all Freddy did was laugh.

Y/N looked up and saw the bullet on the floor and Billy unharmed. "Bullet immunity! You have bullet immunity!" Freddy screamed before Billy threw both of the robbers out of the window.

Freddy's POV
We got beer bottles and walked out of the store, as we took a sip of the beer bottles we immediately spit it back. "Ugh that taste like actual vomit." Billy muttered before we went back in and got regular food.

Y/N got some gummy bears, Coco-cola and salt and vinegar chips. As me and Billy got beef turkey with sodas and candy. "Hey," Billy said to a twenty four year old woman as she walked by us.

"Oh yeah his name is captain sparkle fingers." I said to her and she walked faster away from us Y/N ran away when the police came. "Hey wait for us!" I yelled out.

Times skip~Home
We slowly walked up the stairs to our house when we heard Rosa and Victor talking in the other room. "Remember when Y/N and Freddy we're both seven and Y/N felt scared. And that stitch that she was hiding behind her bang."

I stopped in my tracks hearing this. I could feel the tears coming down as I looked at Billy. "Come on." I whispered waving my hand to Billy to come on. I heard a creak that's what got Rosa and Victor's attention. "Hello? Who's there?" Rosa asked about to come up the stairs.

"Um it was just me. Mom, I-I was just g-getting some water." I lied. "Oh okay baby, goodnight." "Goodnight." Billy said. Billy are you serious.
"N/N who is that?" "Um it's Billy he has a laryngitis and he wants to go beddy bye."

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