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When the mahamahim bhishm asked Bhanumathi what is her decision Bhanumathi decided to get married to duryodhan.when Aradhya listened her decision she frowned and want to say something but kallinga Naresh beat her and said that since Bhanumathi agrees they will perform wedding asap.Aradhya doesn't like the way this is leading and want to talk to Bhanumathi.

"Jiji u don't want to marry Rajkumar Duryodhan then why did u say yes to this marriage.jiji now also u can say no to them just say them that u don't marry that Rajkumar Duryodhan."said Aradhya.
"Stop it Aradhya  if I say no this marriage then my whole life will be ruined and this will disgrace to my family to my Kingdom.I can't behave selfishly and bring shame to my parents and to my Kingdom."said Bhanumathi.
"why only women has to sacrifice everything jiji why should we shoulder responsibility to all things in the society" said Aradhya.
"This is the truth of our life Aradhya we can't change it and I want to take some rest I will talk to afterwards" said Bhanumathi.

Aradhya leaves Bhanumathi room and try to find the way for her room.when she was struggling to find the way she met Shakuni mamashree, Duryodhan, Dussasan and Angraj Karn by seeing them Aradhya made a face and wants to ignore them but why will our Shakuni mamashree leave this chance as he want to connect to Trigarta Kingdom so he greeted Aradhya.

"Pranipat trigarta Rajkumari Charvi I hope u adjusting here and if u feel uncomfortable u can say that to me or my nephews."said Shakuni mamashree.
"Pranipat Gandaraj Shakuni thanks for the hospitality"replied Aradhya.
"If u want to explore Hastinapur u can say that to my nephew Dussassan"said Shakuni giving a sly look to Dussassan.
"I think I may not need for this anyhow thanks for the suggestion and excuse me."replied a  very annoyed Aradhya by seeing the leacherous look of Dussassan and went away from there.

"Mamashree see that Aradhya how rude her behaviour is I am her jijashree but she didn't even give any respect to me and why do u  even greet her and nicely to her."asked Duryodhan.
"Bachey what I did is always for ur good if she became Dussassan's wife then we will get trigarta kingdoms alliance which is beneficial for u to became king"replied Shakuni mamashree.
"And haa talk nicely to her Dussassan impress her with ur charm so that she can marry you and don't behave rudely to her "warned Shakuni mamashree.
"But mamashree that Aradhya didn't even give me a face "said Dussassan dissatisfyingly.
"Once u marry her u can treat her as u wish she can show  her attitude will only now after we will clip her wings and see how can she show disrespect to us." Said Shakuni mamashree believing that Aradhya definitely marry Dussassan.
"What u said is right mamashree I will definitely show her place in the future"replied Dussassan with a grin on his face.
"For that u should first charm her Dussassan."said Duryodhan.

Meanwhile Aradhya was quite frustrated with the desicion of bhanumati and annoyed with the Duryodhan's entrouge and she bumps into the pandavas who are returning from their mothers place and Aradhya's frustration doubled she asked yudhishthir rudely
"Can't u use ur eyes and walk " the remaining
Pandavas got angry to the tone of Aradhya as she talk rudely to their jyest bhratashree whow they respect the most.
"Devi it was u who bumped to us and without saying sorry ur even blaming our jyest bhratashree" replied bheem angrily.
"Wow ur blaming me when u bumped into me and say that I am talking rudely well what can I even expect from Hastinapur princes all are rude and arrogistic "replied  Aradhya.
"Devi by seeing Duryodhan ur treating everyone from Hastinapur is like him which is not a fair thing and we asking apology for bumping into u and for my brother's behaviour" replied yudhishthir.
"Apology not accepted and I don't want to waste my time by talking to u guys so if excuse me I will take my leave."replied Aradhya.

Hello guys so how is the first meet of Aradhya with pandavas do comment.

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