Temptation 💔

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A/N: This is the sequel to my first book 'One Rainy Night'. It'll make more sense to read that book first.

Taehyung's POV

The sound of the shower running startles me awake and I kick the blankets off of me.

I check the time on my phone. 1am. He has never stayed this late.

I know his husband must have at least some sort of clue of what he has been up to. We've been secretly meeting for weeks now. We can't get enough of each other. We just live in our own little world while he's with me.

Our son stays with Jin's mom until it's time for him to go home. I don't really know what excuse he gives Jungkook and though I know he is a decent guy.

No, he's a really good man who stepped up and raised my son and loved him like his own in a loving home who wants for nothing. But it doesn't stop me from loving his husband Jin, when we're together it is just him and me.

We honestly tried very hard to deny our attraction and only discussed our son at first. Until one day..


Waiting for Jin and J.J. at a small cafe near the mall, I wait with our orders already on the table.

My son has a sweet tooth so I always make sure to get him a cupcake or cookie. I hear the bell and look towards the front door.

My son runs to me "Dad!" (He calls Jungkook daddy and me dad) I widen my arms so he can jump into them and he barrels into me.

"Whoa! You almost knocked me over. You are getting so strong. Have you been working out?" I ask him and squeeze his tiny bicep.

His smile gets even wider if that's even possible and says, "Yes! Daddy lets me lift weights with him at home." And claps his hand excitedly.

I turn to look at Jin and gesture a "What? Seriously?!"

Jin whispers "Don't worry, they are only 3lb weights."

So I turn back to my son. "Wow, I'm glad your Appa has someone strong like you to protect him." That makes my son giggle and he hugs his Appa tight. That warms my heart. Jin looks at me and smiles. He's seriously gonna kill me with how beautiful he is.

We continue looking at each other while our son eats his cookies and chocolate milk. I expect him to turn away flustered like he usually does but he seems bold today and stares me down.

He reaches a hand out to one of mine and says, "Tae? Do you ever think about the night we met? I know I really shouldn't even ask, but the thing is that ever since I saw you again at the auto shop I can't get you out of my mind.

Does that make me a terrible person? I used to often wonder about you as I watched our son grow. Wondered how much of his personality came from you, I knew he had your smile. I remembered your beautiful smile so I knew he inherited that from you.

But there was always an occasional flash of that rainy night. Of the handsome young man in the rain. I would push those thoughts aside easily. But ever since you've come back into our life those thoughts have been playing on repeat and I just can't get them out as easily as before.
Tell me.. what should I do?"

He looks forlorn. And fidgets with my fingers.

To say I was stunned was an understatement. I am not a saint. I have also been thinking about that night.

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