New Beginnings 💜

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Jin's POV

We laid my beloved to rest today. I still can't believe it. I can't believe that when we said til death do us part it would be so soon. I will never hear his laughter, or see his beautiful bunny smile again. I have to go on with the rest of my life without him by my side. I don't know how I will manage. I have a son to take care of and who desperately needs me so I must be strong for his sake. But really I am just going through the motions. If I didn't have mine and Jungkook's parents to help me with J.J. I would probably have killed myself by now.

I know Tae would be there to take care of him and raise him in a loving home. But I promised Kookie I would move on. So I will myself to go on.

Time skip 2 months later

"Appa, can you please pour the milk in my cereal?" My son asks.

I help him pour his milk and settle him into his seat. We are getting ready to go to the store to buy him some new school supplies and school clothes. We have managed to get through these past couple of months together with the love and support of my parents and in-laws.

A few weeks after his passing our family lawyer read Jungkook's final will to us. Most of what he explained to me before he passed was written on there. But what shocked us all was that he left me 3 separate life insurance policies that equaled in the millions together. So I didn't have to work another day in my life. He also left a smaller one for our son which he can get access to at 18 years old. He also took care of his parents though they were already pretty well off to start with.

His father took over his CEO position until he could be able to train one of his nephews to take over in name only.

I held majority of stocks so they would have to inform me of anything relating to the company. But thankfully I didn't have to deal with it much. I plan on having my son take over once he's older. If that's what he chooses.

"I'm done Appa. Can we go now?" I smile at my baby and tell him yes.

Once we clean up our breakfast mess we grab our things and head to the car. The house seems so empty. Me and Jungkook lived here for years. Even before J.J. was born. Everywhere I look I see my Kookie.

Once we're in the car I ask if he wants to listen to the radio. He tells me yes, but wants to listen to his Uncle Yoongi's mixtape. I search for it on his personal iPod touch and plug it in. Once it's playing we drive off. We spend the next two hours at the mall gathering everything he will need to start his kindergarten class.

I am so exhausted. I have been getting tired easily lately and so sleepy. I can fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. I ask him if he wants an ice cream cone just so I can sit down inside the shop. Of course he says yes. Once inside we head to the counter and wait our turn. There are two couples in front of us. When the first couple pay for their ice cream and turn to leave I am surprised to see Jimin. He is with a tall but very handsome man that seems somewhat familiar. We are both shocked to see each other.

"Uncle Chim! I missed you!" My son says and latches on to his legs.

He leans down to pick him up and hugs him.

"I missed you too baby! Why haven't you come by to visit us anymore?" He asks but looks towards my direction.

"My daddy went to heaven. So I have to take care of my Appa. I promised him." My son answered sadly.

Jimin immediately hugs him to comfort him.

"So this is TaeTae's son?" The tall gentleman asks.

Jimin then seems to remember he was there and turns to introduce us.

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