Our Life So Far..

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Jungkook's POV
The Day Before

"Bye my little one, I'll see you later and we can play any game you want. Ok?" I say to my son.

He gives me a hug and says, "Bye daddy. I'll see you in a little bit so I can kick your butt on Call of Duty."

He giggles and runs off to meet Jin who's already waiting for him by the car. I wave Bye to them and close the door.

We have gotten used to this certain routine for a while now. Them going to visit Taehyung so they can get to know each other better. He seems like a nice enough guy. And I know he loves our son. Well, really his son. He is his biological father after all.

I hear my phone ringing in another room so I walk over to answer it.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Mr. Jeon, this is Dr. Lee. I have just looked over your latest test results. Is it possible for you to come see me today?"

My heart starts thumping faster than I thought possible.

"Yes Dr. I can actually be there in half an hour. Will that be convenient for you?"

"Yes. Half an hour sounds good. I will see you then. Drive safe." He then ends the call.

I am already prepared for the bad news. I can feel it.

When I was told there was a good chance I would get the same disease that has killed members of my family I knew it was my fate. Supposedly it skips a generation and my parents avoided it luckily.

I am not worried about myself. I am worried about my family. My beloved husband Jin and our son.

Jin, he has been the only man I have ever loved and feel blessed that he chose me to spend his life with. I know he'll be hurt at first but he is so wonderful that I know he will have no problem finding love again. I will die knowing I have had a great love like him and have been just as loved in return.

Time skip to Doctors Office

"So what is it Doctor?" I ask once I sit in the chair across from him.

He reaches out for my medical files and takes out the multiple chest X-rays that I've had taken over a period of a few months. He points at a huge spot that is located around my back that's around 3inches long and just as wide.

"Mr. Jeon, I don't have any good news. This mass located at your back is growing at an unbelievable pace. It has already reached into your vital organs. If we had caught it alot sooner there may have been a chance to operate and treated it with chemo. But unfortunately it is already too late. I know it is not what you wanted to hear. And I am so sorry. But there is nothing I or anyone in the medical community can do for you now. Do you understand what I'm trying to explain to you?"

The Doctor looks at me with a worried brow.

I can only sigh and lean back into my chair.

"How long do I have?" I ask.

"I'm sorry to say not very long. At the rate it's growing, pretty soon you will not be able to do much and will be bedridden. I can't tell you any specific time but at most I would say 2-3 months. Maybe even less.

Have you discussed all of this with your husband? He really needs to be made aware of the severity of your situation."

My situation? What a weird way to describe my impending death. Situation..

"Yes Doctor. We have discussed it. Thank you for everything you have done. I know you have tried your best. But it is hereditary so not much I can do. It's in God's hands now. I'll be leaving now. I'll call you if I have any questions later. Thanks again Doctor, Goodbye."

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