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Time skip 2 months (since hospital)

Jin's POV

"Ughhh, I really hate morning sickness. If it wasn't for this then I wouldn't mind being pregnant all year long."

I manage to say in between vomiting and coughing into the toilet bowl, while Tae is massaging my back and wiping my forehead with a wet towel.

He has been heaven sent to put up with me. I have had horrid mood swings this time around. And he willingly puts up with them.

"I'm sorry babe, if it were possible I would go through it for you."

And I know he would. I have learned just how much he loves me since we have gone back to spending all our free time together.

When we found out I was pregnant that day at the hospital we met the following day and discussed everything we both have suffered through while being apart.
And decided to start getting to know each other better slowly since before it felt more like a whirlwind of passion and lust. We still felt that of course, but we needed to take things slow since we are having another baby.

He asked for us to stay with him but I told him that other than the occasional sleepover it was not possible since he shares a house with his best friend. And his brother also stays over often since he's been engaged to Jimin. I asked him if he would consider moving in with us, as I know our son would absolutely love to have his father with him all the time. But he politely refused, saying he would not be comfortable living in the same home I shared with my husband. I completely understood his reasoning so I didn't push it.

I decided to start looking for a new home where J.J. would have a nice backyard to play in. And I asked Jimin to help me search for the perfect place so we could surprise Tae with it. He has no idea that that's what we are up to when Jimin and I leave J.J. with him for a couple of hours. We tell him that we are bonding and going to spoil ourselves at the spa and out to eat. He is skeptical but keeps his mouth shut. It is on our third outing when we strike gold. We both instantly fall in love with it.

One look at it and I tell him, "This is it Jimin, I'm buying this house. Do you think Tae will like it?"

He smiles the kind of smile where his eyes disappear and says, "He will love it Jin, it will be perfect for y'all. And I know J.J. will love it too."

And we both hug and proceed to make arrangements with the realtor. This is the house for my future family.

Once I am feeling like the worst has passed Tae, helps me brush my teeth

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Once I am feeling like the worst has passed Tae, helps me brush my teeth. I then take a shower and get dressed for the day.

"I will go pick J.J. up from my mom's then drop him off at school. I'm sorry I didn't get up earlier to make you breakfast babe. This pregnancy is kicking my ass. Why don't we meet for lunch today? I want to show you something so we can surprise J.J. with it later this afternoon. Hm?"

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