Baby Taetae

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Taehyung's POV

"Tae, please stop. I feel fine. I'm sure it's not sprained." Jin tells me as I was carrying him after he tripped over one of J.J.'s toys.

"You don't know that. You're not a Dr." I tell him. Sure it seems fine to the naked eye. But I would feel better if an actual doctor looked it over.

"Tae, it doesn't even hurt, you're just making a big deal out of nothing. Now please let me just go check on the baby. She might need a diaper change or maybe she's hungry."

"Nope, don't worry about it. I'll go check on my princess. You just sit there and stay off your foot. It might get swollen after a while."

"Ughhh, fine. I'll just wait here then. But go quick. I don't want her to stay wet too long or she'll get diaper rash."

I lean over to give him a quick peck then go to check on my baby TaeTae. The ruler of my heart.

I walk into her room and I hear her giggling. I notice she's looking to her side, where I find her big brother making silly faces at her.

She is 9 months old now and she's growing so fast. She loves her hyung alot. He insists on watching over her when he sees that either me or Jin are really busy with something.
He carries her carefully and helps feed her.

He doesn't like changing her diaper because she has "stinky doo-doos" according to him. But she just loves the attention he gives her. She even cries for him when J.J. gets dropped off at school.

I walk over to them and say, "How is my princess today? Did you have a good nap?"

She immediately starts jumping up while grabbing on to the rails of her crib. I don't like to rub it in my Jinnie's face, but my baby girl loves me the best. I reach into the crib to pick her up and I give her sweet kisses all over her face, while she squeals excitedly.

"Dad! I was playing with her. I just got home from school."

"I'm sorry my sweet prince, but your Appa sent me to come check on her and see if she needs a diaper change. Do you want to tell your Appa that I wasn't allowed to cause you were playing with her?"

His eyes widen a little and shakes his head, "No way, I will just go watch TV in my room." And then he walks away.

I lay her down on the diaper changing station and change her diaper. I put a new set of clean clothes on her and matching socks. My baby is the cutest in the whole world.

I pick her up again and she's looking at me, she then starts babbling cute little nonsense.

"Really baby? And then what happened?" She continues with her baby talk then with both hands squeezes my face and puts her forehead on my lips. My baby girl just wanted a kiss from her father.

"Let's go down to see your Appa. He's probably trying to crawl his way to you as we speak just to make sure I did as he asked."

As I'm walking back towards Jin I continue my little conversation with my angel who is still mumbling and waving her hands in a wild manner.

"There's my sweetheart! I thought your daddy kidnapped you from me." Jin says while reaching for our daughter.

"Why would I ever leave all my favorite people in the world? You know how much I love that ass of yours." I tell him and kiss his cheek.

I sit down next to him and he's holding our baby on his thighs while she stands on them, bouncing up and down, screaming and giggling.

She is such a playful baby. She hardly ever cries. Such a joy.

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