Torn between two lovers

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Jin's POV

"Babe, do you feel well enough to sit up for breakfast?" I ask my husband.

He has been getting worse the past couple of weeks. He is deteriorating before my very eyes. My handsome, muscular bunny man is wasting away and he is trying so hard to hold on for me, for us.

I have to be strong for his sake. If he sees me break down he will try to do everything in his power to comfort me. And he is too weak to do anything now. He can barely move, and he's in constant pain. Morphine is his best friend right now.

He sleeps alot because of the meds and it's a blessing in disguise. When he's awake the pain is overwhelming for him. So sleep is better.

He doesn't have an appetite so I have to try to feed him soup or something not too heavy. So his body will not just be full of morphine and pain meds.

"I'm not very hungry, love. You can bring your breakfast in here with me so I can enjoy watching you eat like I always loved doing." He says with his face full of love.

"Remember when we were broke college kids we'd buy random foods and you would work wonders to make a delicious meal with whatever we managed to buy? It wasn't very healthy but it was delicious. I loved to watch your cheeks get so chubby while you ate. You reminded me of a cute little hamster. And I made a promise to myself that when we got married, cause I had absolutely No doubt we'd get married, that I would always make sure you had delicious food and never be hungry again."

I feel the sting of tears. I hold his hands in between mine.

"And you kept your promise. I have never been without anything thanks to you. In fact I'm surprised I am not overweight right now."

He lightly chuckles.

And I continue, "You have always been my knight in shining armor my love. Thank you for loving me so much. For the incredible life we have shared together. I love you."

His eyes start welling up with tears so he says.

"Go love, I don't want you to miss a meal because of me." I nod and get up walking towards the door.

"Ok. Let me just go grab a tray and I'll return to you right away."

I walk as fast as possible to the kitchen to arrange a food tray with my breakfast and a small bowl of chicken broth for him. Hopefully he will be able to hold it down.

While I'm doing that I feel my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I hesitate to answer cause I know it's Taehyung.

I haven't returned back to him as I promised him I would
when I left his apartment almost two months ago. I could only send him a quick text about Jungkook's condition and that I couldn't leave him now. And though I loved him I would understand if he didn't want to wait for me. He responded with a pledge to wait forever.

I quietly exit the kitchen and head to the garage while I answer the phone.

"Hello?" When I hear his deep, sexy voice I immediately break down and slide down the side of the car.

"Babe? Are you there? I need to see you. Please, answer me."

I can hear the pleading in his voice. I try my best to compose myself before I can reply. Once I feel stable enough I stand up and speak into the phone.

"Ahem, Tae.. I'm here. Sorry..." I didn't know what else to say so I just drifted off.

"Babe, I'm parked outside your house right now. Please, I really need to see you. I'm going mad without seeing you. I miss you so much."

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