All out Bullshit

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The group ran straight at Orleans with their servants ready to wreak havoc.

Irisviel and Jeanne both stayed close to the rear with Cu Chulainn. Right at the front were Astolfo, Y/n, Kama, Lancelot, Kiyohime, Elizabeth, Siegfried and Georgios.

Everyone else was in the middle, but it didn't matter. This was the day that Orleans fell to the might of three masters wishing to correct the timeline.

The berserk servants waited for Jalter to give her orders. She stood in Orleans and gave them the order to attack. Gilles noticed that something was wrong with her though.

Gilles: "My dear, Jeanne. Perhaps you should prepare to intercept those fools yourself."

Jalter: "No. I shall rest for now, Gilles. I will retreat to my chambers for now. When they arrive, I shall be ready for them."

Gilles nodded as Jalter walked back to herbed chambers. Once there, she saw that Atalante was waiting for her.

Jalter: "Atalante. Has Y/n given you any messages?"

Atalante: "They are assaulting today. The servants that are going to intercept them are severely under prepared to handle the kind of power that these people possess."

Jalter: "Good. I imagine that Carmilla still hasn't fully recovered?"

Atalante: "Since we brought her back, no. She has been unresponsive. Vlad is out fighting right now. But Carmilla refuses to do much."

Jalter: "Very well then. Tell Carmilla that I require her presence."

Atalante nodded and went to the dungeons of Orleans so she could collect Carmilla.

Back with the main group, things were going swimmingly. The enemies were falling by the dozens as Y/n unleashed various noble phantasms against them.

He then came face to face with Chevalier d'Eon. She smiled at him whilst holding her sword in a fighting stance.

d'Eon: "I was hoping I'd get to see you again, Y/n L/n of Chaldea."

Y/n laughed lightly as Chevalier d'Eon approached.

d'Eon: "I don't suppose you're going to back down?"

Y/n: "Not on your life, d'Eon. Though, I'd be honoured to battle you here, at the end of this era."

Chevalier smiled before holding her blade high.

d'Eon: "I would like nothing more than to face you at your strongest, Y/n L/n!"

Y/n: "Lancelot! This one's mine. Take out anything else and clear a path for Martha, Georgios and Siegfried to get to Fafnir should he appear."


d'Eon: "He's a bit of an oddball, eh?"

Y/n: "Our arguments are fun. Anyway, Chevalier. Come! Let's fight!"

Chevalier laughed as she lunged forwards. Her blade was parried by a familiar red sword.

d'Eon: "That's another Noble Phantasm!"

Y/n: "What, you can use yours but I can use one of mine? Kinda cringe, not gonna lie."

d'Eon: "Fair enough."

Y/n: "Come, d'Eon! Face me!"

Chevalier laughed again before lunging. Her attacks became more fierce with every parry that Y/n managed. Despite the fact that they were fighting to kill each other, they both had smiles on their faces.

Fate/Grand Shenanigans: Orleans AnticsWhere stories live. Discover now