Chapter 11

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{Benimaru P.O.V}

"These company 8 people. They aren't a bad bunch to be around. I feel like they are a different sort than the other companies. They remind me of us in a way" (Konro).

"I suppose so" (Benimaru).

"Why don't we help with their investigation?" (Konro).

That made me think back to my conversation with Hana because she had asked me to do something similar.

"Is that what you would do if you were our captain?" I said, still on the thought of Konro being a better captain.

"Waka. You aren't chosen to be this company's captain just because of your powers. You know why company 8 decided to help us today?" (Konro).

"Just give it a rest. I heard this stuff before. Sorry, I'm just not cut out for this kind of crap. I never should have been made a leader" (Benimaru).

Kaori then stood up and laid down on the floor while using my leg as a pillow to rest his head on. He put his hands on my leg and rubbed his cheek on my pants.

"It's okay Papa, love you" said Kaori as he was trying to comfort me.

"Love you too" I sighed out as Konro chuckled.

"Face forward will you Konro. I can't wrap your bandages like this. I think we will help them. Company 8 is pretty alright in my book" (Benimaru).

Kaori then got up which got our attention. "Look look" he said excitedly as he pointed to his blocks that he used to make a house.

"It's a nice house" said Konro as I nodded in agreement. Kaori then used both of his hands to push over the blocks to the floor as he smile widely and giggled.

"He definitely got got that from you" as Konro looked over at me as I sighed.

Time skip

I went out to look for company 8's captain when I spotted Hana.

"Hi there dear. I was going to go out for a walk if you want to join me. Harue is taking a nap. Today's events really tired her out" said Hana as she smiled at me.

"I have to go see Captain Obi, but I will see you later and Kaori is with Konro as he said that he was going to put him down for a nap as well".

"Alright, I will see you later than" as she pressed a short kiss onto my lips.

As she left, I then saw the kid, Shinra.

"Sorry about the intrusion sir" (Shinra).

"That? There's no need to sweat it" (Benimaru).

"So hey, about Lieutenant Konro's body" (Shinra).

"When a third generation continues to use their powers after overheating, their bodies start to incinerate and their flesh becomes ash, tephrosis. This the first you've heard of it?" (Benimaru).

"They taught us about it back at the academy. Never saw it though. Not in person" (Shinra).

"When it happened I... Shinra, I'd like to have a few words with your captain is he around?" (Benimaru).

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