Favorite Book Friday 7/10/20

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How's Your Soul?" By Judah Smith

Hey guys. Today we're gonna discuss some more of this book.

Chapter 5 is talking about how we end up overusing the word love and we honestly don't really know what love is. Scripture tells us in 1 John 4:7-9 that God is love. Our souls thrive in the original lover, God himself. The problem is those who know this love have a problem sharing it thus we misrepresent love based on how we feel it then we think God loves like us. We can't make up our own rules to move unless we're God. Human and divine love go together. 1 Corinthians 13 explains what love is and is not, but also the characteristics of God. We live out love cause it changes things. Love covers a multitude of sins. Love hopes, believes and endures all things. Love doesn't make us try harder or do better but the grace if God does.

Chapter 6 is about a quiet soul. We have such a busy, wild world that's LOUD. So where do we find rest? King  David writes in in psalm 131. We have to be intentional about it. Get alone and get quiet for time with God. Next we have to let God have control. "Quietness and rest are not found in control but surrender." We also have to accept the idea that you don't know everything. There's so much more to learn. Next our souls have to be level. Judah thinks the greatest leveler is WORSHIP! It shows us who we are and who God is. The best thing we can go is be in the father's arms

The last chapter for today is about an effective life. Life is not about a destination. Life is actually a journey. God made us for a purpose. A soul in God will find value, place and purpose. It's not what you do but rather your acceptance of Jesus as your savior. Are we full, fruitful and faithful? It's not an easy life. It is a surrendered, surrounded   Life with community. Let's do it together .

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