Wonder Wednesday 8/5/20

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Wonder Wednesday

Are you running from waves?

I came up with this question last week at a bible study.  For a moment think about the ocean and the waves splashing on your feet. Then there's a storm arising and the waves getting bigger and bigger. The waves begin to crash and roll over everything. The water covers everything. It's overwhelming right? Imagine grace like that. 

God's Grace is so overwhelming that we can't understand it. It's that good. It's for everyone and anyone. As humans, we don't wanna extend grace to everyone because we don't think they deserve it. God in his his great love, decided we were worth it. You're worth it.  I think we run from the wave of  grace because it's scary that good. And it's FOR YOU.

I think about Jesus calming the storm in Mark 4. The disciples are in the boat with Jesus and a storm approaches. Where's Jesus? Sleeping on a a cushion. I didn't take notice of this before until I looked at it recently. The disciples didn't have anything to be afraid of because Jesus was with them. Jesus was chilling a nap, there was  nothing to worry about. If he wasn't concerned about it, neither should we. The disciples said " Teacher, why don't you care we're gonna drown?" Jesus' response is "peace, be still. Why are you afraid? Do you not have faith in me?"  Who is this that the winds and sea obey him?

We don't have to be afraid of the storm because the one who made the storm is with is. This doesn't mean you won't experience a storm but  Jesus will be there with you in it.Experience grace like a wave.

Experience grace like a wave

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2020 ⏰

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