Favorite Book Friday 7/17/20

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Today this #favoritebookfriday is we're gonna keep diving into "How's Your Soul?" by Judah Smith. I thought we were gonna finish this book today but maybe next week? This is one of my favorite books of all time and definitely one of my favorites by Judah. This book tackles the idea of how is your soul and how to take care of it. If Judah ended up discovering the blog I'd probably cry or something. You inspire a future pastor Judah.

Anyway, chapter eight is about a new you. So many of us think we're in charge of our lives and our decisions are based on what we think about ourselves. God is the one who gives the identity to our souls. And since God does that, he wants our souls to look more like Him. Once we're born again in Jesus, we have a new identity. Ephesians shoes us these four ways that shape our souls. The first is that our identity is in Jesus, he defines our lives, which means we're seen in perfection. The second one is God is great and working on your behalf. The third is our great salvation shapes our souls. Paul in his letter made sure they knew how expansive salvation really is for me and you. We used to be in sin and now we're in Christ. Salvation is so great because it's a gift. The fourth is now that you belong. We're part of God's family. You don't have to do anything to belong but put your faith in Jesus. It's not idea of you have to behave or believe to belong. Jesus came to break barriers. When we're new, we now believe the right thing. It's grace, faith then works. This book was published in 2016 but the page I'm gonna share from is such a clear picture of 2020. Church isn't a building but a family and a place for a broken humanity.

Chapter 9 happens to be on the scripture i received when I accepted the call to ministry. Our souls need consistency. We have to make this walk of life a steady place. Sadly we're distracted by our circumstances. Examine your pace often. Walking implies progress. We love to measure progress but tangible means. It's good when it happens but what's about when it doesn't? The point is to walk with God nor arrive. God sees the whole journey and we only see a part. Philippians 1:3-11 is about Paul's confidence in what God was doing in the church's lives. He's sure of this. But we don't always feeling it. Spiritual progress is in God's hands. If we don't see it, we fall into legalism. This starts with our connection with God, the way he transforms us from the inside out and he will finish what he started. Our souls make feel weak at times but our relationship with God is so real and valid. This certainty will give you, certainty, sanity and soul health.

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