Blog Post Monday 8/3/20

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Blog Post Monday

Y'all I start college(online anyway) in a week but that not what we're about on this #blogpostmonday. We're talking about something that's more important. My call to be a pastor. I told the story of testimony on the first post. My family is full of pastors but it was the reason I ran from the call. I didn't wanna be that kind of pastor so I didn't want to be be a pastor. I was content with staying at the youth pastor level. Now the call is to lead a church.Now that i think about it, I don't think I want to do anything else but be a pastor. Nothing else feels satisfying to me. I have an idea for a business I wanna have and I also wanna write books and do things.

The highest mission I have it to be a pastor and follower of Jesus. I'm studying in college Theology and going to seminary after. Sharing the good news is my mission. That Jesus died for you and took out place. The one we deserve. He died and rose again and now there's room for grace. This picture become so vivid and so clear to me maybe six weeks ago. God works though YouTube recommendations. I watched "Jesus Loving Barabbas" by Judah Smith. If you haven't heard it you should. Have you ever though about the tension in that space. There's Pilate standing there with Jesus, Son of the Living God and Barabbas, a criminal who should be killed. You have to think about Jesus had all the power here but he chose the will of the Father to go to the cross and die. He did it for you. He did it for me. Here's where this sermon broke me. We're Barabbas. We're the criminal. We deserve this death but Jesus said "no, I'll pay the price." We're standing in the open space of forgiveness a free person as he's being taken down to Golgotha. It's always been Jesus and always will be Jesus. Jesus is ENOUGH.

That right there is and always be rooted in me forever. That's my mission for everyone to see Jesus and stand in that empty space of forgiveness. You're loved and heaven is for you. I love teaching and preaching. I love writing even more. This calling may look a little different than four years ago but I wouldn't want anything else. The love oh God is so inclusive and expansive that it's just gotta be shared.

Hey @judahsmith I'm that teenager that keeps commenting paragraphs on your insta and you like them then I start crying cause my inspiration noticed me. This little pastor's heart has been changed forever.

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