Moving in

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It was a Friday night everything was going smoothly, so u we're just laying in bed using ur phone like always until. U hear a knock from ur door "come in" u say, ur mom walks in the room and says "(y/n) i have good news and bad news" "what do you mean mom is something wrong" you say in a confused tone "yes what do u wanna hear first the good news or the bad news" "well obviously the good one" u say confidently "well i got a new job" "and the bad one?" "we're gonna have to move so this means ur gonna have to move schools as well" "wait what! To hell with that i don't wanna move schools and neither do i wanna move!" U say screaming in the top of ur lungs. "Well im sorry honey but we're moving first thing tomorrow morning whether u like it or not!" Ur mom says in a very angry tone and slams the door. "Gahhhhh sometimes i wish my dad was here" u say in a sad voice "oh well it can't be helped" u rest ur eyes and before u know it u fall into a deep sleep.

You wake up saturday morning by ur mom waking you up "(y/n) get the hell up and pack ur things were leaving!" "What the hell do i not even get to eat breakfast geez i would like to atleast get some peace in this house...oh wait it's not my house anymore gahhh" u grunt getting all triggered. You get up getting ready and taking ur long ass time. After that u start packing everything in your room into boxes "(y/n) are u done packing we're leaving already!hurry up" "im going mom" u go downstairs with a bunch of boxes filled up in ur hands. "Get in the car we're outta here!" Ur mom says in excitement. You put all ur boxes and ur belongings in the car and get inside. You take one last look at ur house "im gonna miss this old place to bad i had to leave all my friends from the volleyball team and school, well it's a good thing i got to say goodbye before leaving I'll see them again someday anyway" u say in ur head.

A few 30 minutes pass and u arrive in ur new home. You get all ur boxes from the car and some of ur belongings "Well what do u think honey this is our new home" my mom says as we enter our house "wow it's so big and so nice and so modern!" u say with excitement with glow in ur eyes "see (y/n) i told u it was gonna be a nice place" she says confidently "i never imagined my mom would book a place like this but this is great" u say in ur mind. U go upstairs and check the rooms and everything until u find the perfect room for urself "well might as well start getting this room decorated" u say with excitement. After some other 30 minutes pass u finished decorating ur new bedroom and go downstairs to eat with ur mom. "(Y/n) starting in Monday ur gonna start going to ur new school so u better get use to it" ur mom says "u make it sound so easy like as if it's easy to make new friends" u roll ur eyes "well in my days..." Ur mom starts blabbering about some old stuff "here we go again" u say fustrated.

After saturday passed so did sunday, the days went by so quickly that before u knew it, it wast was time for school. Ur peacefully sleeping in a Monday morning until someone yells "Time for school!!!"

[Authors note]
Basically this whole chapter is about you moving in to ur new place. Sorry if i don't make sense it's my fault, i tried my best in typing this story. I wrote this story because i just love tendou so much that i decided to write this. sorry if it's short but the next chapters will be long.
Word count:684

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