A rainy day

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[⚠Warning⚠ this chapter gets a little violent if u don't wanna read u could skip but in the end there is something important to the story]

"Well how was that i finally got my first kiss" i turn really red and look away. Omg omg omg i kissed tendou that was my first kiss, my heart feels as if it's about to burst out.... Wait a minute i say in my head. "Did u just say that was ur first kiss" i asked him "yea" he says embarrassed, he's all red it's so cute >~<.After that last ride it was already late so we had to go home but i didn't want to. As we were walking home :( he asked me "was that ur first kiss to?" "Yea" i say blushing "by the way i have never asked this but... before u started dating me did u have any boyfriends?" "I did but they were all useless no sirven para nada" [oops i used spanish ignore that] "huh?" Tendou asked confused cuz u said something in spanish "what i meant was, that they were all just using me and in the end they always left me for another" "ohhh im sorry to hear that but (y/n) i won't ever leave u for anyone else and never use u because ur the first person i ever dated and i have never felt this way for anybody else!" "Really!?" "Yes" he smiles softly and hugs me i hug him back and we stay like that for a while. "Tendou?" "yea?" "I love u" "i love u to" [gwahhh this is so cute im crying tears 😭❤].

After that day the weekend went by so quickly and it was Monday once again -_-. It's already been three weeks since me and tendou started dating and i still haven't told him about machiko bothering me but she isn't important in this story or is she? Well whatever. Since i was going to school alone today because tendou said he was arriving late it was fine but i still missed him. In the morning i was sitting down asleep in my desk PEACEFULLY until SOMEONE moved my desk making me wake up "hey (y/n) so u are dating that monster right!?" Machiko said smirking and the people be her side her were laughing, i pretended not to hear her and looked outside the window "hey u bitc* don't ignore me" she says pulling my hair i try to ignore her once again "u and that monster are meant for each other ur all a bunch of ugly a**holes" she said smirking i got so triggered i got up from my desk and smacked her face. We both started fighting till the point i was beating her up in the floor she was begging me to stop hitting her cuz she was already bleeding from the head but i didn't "u deserve it ur just bothering a bunch of people how do u think the people feel when u beat them up huh!?" I say angrily "im sorry i really am just please stop hitting me" machiko says crying "u want me stop? U don't stop when ur beating people up either even if they tell u to stop ur just selfish and im gonna end u right here and know!" Everyone in the class was watching but they were to scared to come in between us as i was about to take the last punch- "STOP!" I looked at the door and tendou was there with a worried expression, by that time someone in class had already called the teacher. The teacher came in and got me away from machiko who was already passed out in the floor. "(Y/n) come to the office with me!" The teacher said and i got up and followed behind her...

As i was in the office the principal asked me questions "why did u do it?" She asked in a serious tone " she was saying hurtful things, things about my best friend" i say crying [in the beginning of the story me and tendou we're best friends but now were lovers that's what i mean] "(y/n) u were almost gonna kill her don't u realize what u did!?" "She had it coming she bullied others and kept bothering me throughout the whole past two weeks she even locked me in a restroom!" "Excuse me she did what?" "She bullied others! If u don't believe me go ask all of the people she bullied!" I say screaming crying. The principal was upset and worried about this whole situation "*sighs* ur mom is already on her way ur suspended for a full week "WHAT!" i say screaming "im sorry but could u wait outside the office know" the principal says. I get out of the office and wait for my mom. A few 20 minutes pass and my mom gets here all worried asking me what happened as she sees the punch in my cheek "(y/n) what happened!?" She puts her hand in my cheek, the principal comes out and says "ma'm please come in we need to have a talk" my mom goes in the principals office. After a full on 30 minutes my mom gets out quiet with a serious face "let's go home" " no" i say "what do u mean no! I don't have time to deal with ur bullcrap!" She says really angry "just let me see tendou please" i say really sad "fine do whatever u want i don't care!" she storms off leaving me there.

I went outside and waited for the rest of the day to end, just so i could talk to tendou about what happened. It suddenly started raining really hard but i just stood there the whole time. Then i fell to the ground and just sat there crying. Until i suddenly feel the rain stop and i look up, it was an umbrella covering me and the one holding it was tendou "get up" he says really serious I get up looking down "im sorry" "why are u apologizing tell me what happened"... I tell him the whole story about what happened the accident in the restroom how i think she saw us in the amusement park, how she bothered me, about everything!. "(Y/n) u should have told me about everything im sorry" he apologized and dropped the umbrella to hug me "why are u apologizing i should be the one-" "no i apologize because if i was a good boyfriend i would have known something was off i would have protected u im such a bad boyfriend" he sounded so sad and it broke me hearing him like that. "Ur not a bad boyfriend im a bad girlfriend for not telling u" i say crying "no we're just bad together and that makes us a good couple because together we could fix our mistakes" we look at each other and kiss under the rain passionately. "(Y/n) i promise I'll be a better boyfriend" " and i promise to be a better girlfriend". We then just smile at each other and walk our way home.

[Authors note]
Sorry if this chapter was depressing I'll try not to make the other chapters as depressing as this one. Thanks for reading 😔❤ Word count:1229

(Tendou x reader) New Love~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon