A Date? a kiss? what's next!

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After the day tendou confessed to me we started dating, it was all like a dream i was so happy we started dating there was no other problems... Except that Machiko and her crew kept bothering me throughout the whole week but I ignored don't get me wrong i did defend myself but they still bothered me but whatever it's the weekend what could go wrong right?.

As i was chilling in my room i get this message from tendou it says 'hey do u wanna go out today?' I immediately reply saying 'yes but where?' he then says 'how about the amusement park' i reply saying 'yes ☺' he then says 'meet me at 3 [sends the address of the place]'. After that i start getting ready, i straighten my hair, brush my teeth, put perfume on and put on this cute outfit.

 After that i start getting ready, i straighten my hair, brush my teeth, put perfume on and put on this cute outfit

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[U could choose either or]As im done getting ready i check the time and it's 2:50 dammit im already late

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[U could choose either or]
As im done getting ready i check the time and it's 2:50 dammit im already late. I tell my mom to drive me so we both get in the car. "So lovely daughter we're are u going all dressed up?" My mom says in a curious tone "Im going to the amusement park mom" "with what money?" " with the money i earned from my last summer job?" "Is that so?could it be ur going on a DATE with that red haired boy?" I blush "what no!" I say embarrassed "have u guys kissed yet?" My mom asks "no...,uh i mean mom i told u it's not like that!" "(Y/n) u can't fool me im ur mother and i could tell when ur lying" i guess there is no fooling my mom "yes im dating him so don't embarrass me in front of him" i finally admit it to my mom. Throughout the whole ride my mom kept teasing me about tendou and finally we get to our destination. I quickly get out and wave my mom goodbye while she's just smirking at me. I check the time and it is exactly 3 i patiently wait for tendou to get here. 15 minutes passed and he still not here i was starting to get tired of waiting until i see him coming "hey- he just stands and stares me down for seconds "woah" he says "uh what?" "U look really pretty" "p-pretty?" I say stuttering while blushing "yes" he says with a big smile.

Tendou pov
When i arrive there i see (y/n) and damm does she look really cute in that outfit and her body is so fineee... okay im not suppose to be thinking these thoughts just focus on this date.

Back to ur pov
When tendou told me i look pretty i thought i might compliment him as well i mean he does look cute in anything even though he's wearing all black [in the picture above he's wearing all black gahh he's so cute] "ur really cute yourself" i say smiling making him blush "thanks, also sorry i was late i was taking care of my little sister" "it's fine i guess but next time don't get here late"i say angry "ur cute when your angry, well then let's hed in" he says. 

We both pay our tickets in the entrance and decide in going on easy rides (im afraid of heights)... After a few rides we decide on buying snacks and i picked ice cream. "So what flavor do u want" "i want (pick a flavor)" "alright i want chocolate", we both order our ice cream and tendou insists on paying for mine but i say it's fine but he ended up buying it for me anyway. As we both eat our ice cream we sit down in a bench. He suddenly puts his arm around me and gets closer, my face turns red because of this he then smirks and says "u like this don't u?" "What are u talking about of course i don't" fine then I'll take off my han-" he slowly takes off his hand but i stop him "just leave ur hand here" i say blushing "thought so" he says smiling. After some time passed we finished our ice cream and decided on going in a big roller coaster. It was the one that goes really high and then suddenly drops to the button but it goes super high i was so nervous i didn't wanna tell tendou i was afraid of heights because i was afraid he might think i was a coward. So we patiently waited in line "uh (y/n) are you okay you look a little pail?" Tendou asks worried "nah im fine" i say nervously trying not to make it obvious that im scared. It was finally our turn, as we take our seats in the roller coaster i could feel my heart beating of how nervous i was but i took a deep breath and the ride began to move.... We were going higher and higher until we were already in the top... God my heart felt like as it was about to burst out. Then we wen down i started to scream and held on to tendou's arm really tight..

Tendou pov
As we were getting higher i started to get so exited but (y/n) didn't look so good when i turned to look at her she looked scared. When we went down she started screaming and held me so tight i could feel her breast around my arm this made my bInGbOnG rise up i got so red i hope she doesn't notice...

Back to your pov
Throughout the whole ride i held onto tendou's arm.... that was so embarrassing. As we got off i apologized to him so many times "im so sorry" "if u were afraid of heights u could have just told me and i wouldn't have suggested that ride" "im sorry" "nah it's fine i guess we can't go to the ferris wheel now" "no we will!" "Are u sure?" "Yes!" I don't wanna ruin this last chance!i say in my head. "Well ima go to the restroom to take care of something 👀" "alright I'll wait for u here" i say as he leaves to the restroom. U wouldn't have guess what happened next? Yes i saw machiko and her crew *snickers* why them out of all the freaking days i had to see them. I was hiding behind a tree like a stupid idiot. "So what are we hiding from" i here a voice behind me and i get startled "what the hell! u scared me!" "So why are u hiding?" Tendou asks "uh no reason" "now let's go to the ferries wheel" i pulled him quickly by the arm so we could not bump in to machiko and her crew.

When we get into the ferris wheel i felt nervous so i still sit next to tendou. It was already night time by then. We sit next to each other. The moonlight and starts shine bright, We look into each others eyes and get closer and closer,as i feel his lips touch mine and we do a passionate kiss, then i feel his tongue entering between my lips and i do the same. We stayed like that for a few minutes then stopped and grasped for air. "Well how was that i finally got my kiss" tendou says smirking.

[Authors note]
Welp that was a long chapter i hope u guys liked it and also im not sure about doing a smut but i would very much like to. Feel free to tell me if u want chapters this long. Word count:1284

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