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Luckily, Carson's dad was half asleep whenever he got home that Wednesday night. He was too tired to notice Carson's highness or how he reeked of sex and weed.

The next day at school, Mia didn't show up. Carson assumed because she was hungover, which she was. Riley quietly got onto Carson again at lunch but was glad the blonde was okay.

Mid-terms were soon and Carson felt anxious every single time a student or teacher would bring them up. He hates huge exams/tests.

So, Alex volunteered on helping Carson with a few subjects since he was starting to fall behind. Alex claimed he was an expert at most anything in life, so Carson agreed.

They scheduled for Alex to come over to Carson's house after school that Friday since neither of them had work.

Carson usually didn't like people coming over, in a way he feels not as comfortable at his own house with friends. That's why no one has even come over yet.

He wasn't sure how he felt about Alex coming over or how his dad would feel about it. After all, Alex is very... Unique.

Alex liked his house though and his room. Carson seemed a bit more comfortable once they began working. Carson had a few assignments he's getting partial credit for, so they worked on those first.

"Where's your dad?"

Carson taps his pencil, "work. Then I think he's going to Home Depot since he's always there." Alex giggles. "What?"

"Nothing." Alex stood from Carson's bed, "do you mind if I look around your room?"

Carson didn't have a problem. He just had random posters and pictures as decoration, nothing too special. But Alex seemed to have an interest in looking around.

As the blue-haired boy looked on Carson's dresser, he spotted a picture. He picked the frame up, studying the people, noticing Carson in it. "Who are they?"

The blonde's eyes traveled to Alex, seeing he was holding a special picture. It was also the picture frame with blades and glass in the back. "Oh..." Carson pursed his lips, scanning the frame. "Just some old friends."


Alex hummed, "oh. It's scary that they look like they could be related to you." That's because they are. "Are these the same friends?" Carson saw he was holding another photo, the boy's throat tightening. He nodded. "Oh, cool."

Carson tried to focus on the work, but thoughts began filling his mind. He know knew why he didn't want people over. He could never bring himself to hide the frames just for a visitor.

Alex noticed the younger boys quietness and stiffness, plopping into the spot beside him. He decided to just entertain him to brighten Carson's mood. "Is your dad hot?"

"Uh..." Carson scratches his head before shrugging. "He's my dad so..."

"Well, is your mom pretty?" Carson nodded. "So you can tell me if your dad is hot or not."

Instead of being amused, Carson felt uncomfortable, thinking about his dad. "I... I don't know, Alex... Can you help me with this part?"

Alex felt slightly defeated that he didn't cheer Carson up, but helped him with the assignment.

They finished a majority of the work within two hours, Alex a huge help to Carson. The blonde wasn't sure if he was stupid or Alex was just really smart. Probably both.

Carson's dad checked in on the two once he got home, Alex practically drooling as he shook the older man's hand. The second the blonde's dad left, Alex gasped.

"You're dad is fine as hell... Fucking hot! Now I see where you get your looks from!"

The blonde rolled his eyes, "people actually say I look more like my mom."

"Can I see a picture of your mom!?"

"Aren't you gay?"

"That doesn't mean I can't appreciate beautiful women!"

Carson just shrugged, grabbing his phone to find a picture. He went onto her Facebook, clicking on a picture. "Here's her."

Alex's eyes widened, "damn! Your family is fucking gorgeous! And they only made you?! What a shame."

Carson let out a nervous laugh, fumbling with the phone as he turned it off. "Yeah, only me..."

"Why'd you say it like that?"

"What do you mean?"

Alex just dismissed the topic.

They ate dinner, then Alex suggested that he paint Carson's nails since he brought nail polish. Carson groans, saying he's only allowed to paint one nail on each hand. It was good enough for Alex.

"You have big hands." (Anyone else got baby hands and get made fun of for it T_T)

Carson looked away from his phone, watching as Alex carefully dragged the brush across his nail. "I guess, yeah."

"Do you like choking people?" Alex questioned nonchalantly, blowing on the wet polish. Carson let out a few stutters, his eyes wide. "Cause you have big hands, so I bet girls would like that."

Actually, guys like it more...

Carson only shrugs, "eh, sometimes I do. If they ask me too."

"Do you have sex a lot?"

A blush grew on Carson's cheeks and he began stuttering, using hand movements instead of full sentences.

Alex giggles, finding Carson's nervousness completely adorable. "I'm taking that as a yes."

Carson swallowed thickly, not wanting Carson to think he was a man-whore, even though he was. "I... Uh..."

The blue-haired boy just giggles again.

It started to get late and Alex needed to get home. He made sure to give Carson a hug, even giving his cheek a small peck, giggling when he did so.

Alex only said, "had to kiss you  good night." Before skipping off to his car. Carson rolls his eyes playfully at the shorter boy, going back inside.

His dad was standing in the kitchen, scooping out a spoonful of pudding from a large bowl. "Son?" Carson hummed in agreement, grabbing a spoon. "Is Alex gay?"

Carson froze for a moment, his eyes enlarged. "Uh..." He was worried his dad would be upset and never allow him to hang out with Alex again. "Why?"

His dad licked the chocolate from the spoon, "cause, I don't remember any of my friends calling my dad hot unless they were gay..." Carson doesn't reply as he scooped up some pudding. "I don't care if he is."

"Yeah, he sorta is. Didn't know you heard him..."

Carson's dad laughs, "well, it was right after I shut the door when he said it." Carson awkwardly smiles, apologizing for his friend's behavior. "Don't apologize, I like him. He's quite a chatterbox."

"That, he is."

The two ended up talking for what seemed like hours, laughing and shoving spoonfuls of pudding in their mouths. It was a huge bowl, it was supposed to be for a party at Carson's dad's work the next day, so there was a lot in there.

They ended up polishing off the bowl, his dad deciding he'd just grab cookies on his way to work the next day. His dad was just glad that Carson wasn't hiding away in his room and actually home for once.

So, I know Carson's personality was supposed to be based on me... Then I realize Riley, Alex, and Carson all show a part of my personality... Alex is more how I act, I'm always the crazy one in friend groups... But then I'm a very curious person who's kind of a mom friend (Riley)... Then I'm also moody and never home...

Hope you are enjoying!! Don't forget to follow, vote, comment, sm me!! Whatever you want!!


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