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A lot of this is in text and I thought about doing this at 5am last night... I thought they needed to have this talk.


Me- How tf did you know my middle name?

Riley :0 - that's not important! What's important is why are you cutting yourself?!

Carson's eyes widened, his breathe getting caught in his throat.

Me- Who tf told you?

Riley:0 - that's not important either! Carson... Why didn't you tell me? 😭 I'm so sorry that you're hurting so much inside that you had to hurt yourself outside.

Me- It's not something I freely tell... And it's not ur fault... And I'm trying to get better, I promise ❤️

Riley :0 - I know you are, it's just... Fuck, I'm crying... I'm sorry for not noticing and helping sooner.

Carson felt awful. He wasn't sure if Trey or Alex told him, he wasn't mad if they did. Well, maybe a little annoyed. He didn't want Riley to be sorry for something he never knew about or caused.

Me- no, no, Riley! Please, don't cry! Don't be sorry, I did this to myself. I've been doing it for a while, before I met you. There's nothing you could do, it already got bad. Don't cry, please.

Riley :0 - I could've hung out with you more and made sure you were okay more so it wouldn't have gotten even worse... Fuck

Me- there's nothing you could've done that prevented it because I started when my sisters died... I'm trying to stop, don't worry or be sorry.

Riley :0 - is there anyway I can help? At all?

Carson thought for a moment, he was still curious who told Riley. Then again, he told his boyfriend and best friend, it was bound to come up.

Me- Just be here for me, please?

Riley :0 - Ofc, always! You can always talk to me! No matter what, I'm here. Whatever it takes to help you get better.

Me- Thank you so much. It honestly means a lot.

Riley :0 - You're welcome ❤️ please talk to me if anything is wrong. If you aren't able to talk to Alex or someone... Talk to me.

Me- I will ❤️

Carson was sure Alex told him since Riley mentioned the boy. Carson went to Alex, texting him.

Me- Alex

The moment he sent it, Alex's bitmoji popped up, viewing the text.

Alex <3 - Yes Angel??

Me- you told riley...

Alex <3 - Told him what baby?

Me- ...cutting...

Alex didn't reply for a moment, Carson huffed. He didn't mind since it was Riley, but it was still very personal and he wished Alex asked.

Alex<3 - oh... I'm sorry. It slipped out when I was talking to him. I know I should've asked first or kept my mouth shut but... Shit... I'm sorry baby. I understand if you're mad and don't trust me.

Carson furrowed his brows. Not trust him? Who the hell hurt this boy?!

Me- what? Al, I trust you. I'm not mad at all. Yes, I do wish you would've said something to me... But it's okay. What were you guys talking about?

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