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Okay this is honestly kind of shit,I'm so sorry. I haven't been in the mood to write this and I'm sorry it's such a short chapter... This is supposed to be sweet and cute, not very... Detailed... Enjoy ig...

I'm saving the detailed, good smut for another part and when I'm horny.

Muffled moans left Alex's mouth as Carson pumped three fingers into him, wanting him as stretched as possible. He knew Alex hasn't had sex in some time, he wanted him prepped so it doesn't hurt.

Asher was asleep, they didn't have to worry about him bothering them. His parents wouldn't be home for a little while longer.

"Carson!" Alex whines at the blonde nudged his prostate. "Please!"

"Please, what?"

"Please can we do it? I want you inside of me. I want you to bruise my guts!"

Carson felt himself getting even harder. His cock loved Alex's moans and hearing that made it happier.

The blonde slowed his pace, separating his fingers to stretch Alex more. He moans loudly at that.

"Go on your back." Carson softly instructed, retracting his fingers. Alex whimpers at that but quickly turned. "You really wanna do this, Al?"

The boy nodded, "yes! Please!" Carson smiles at the neediness, unbuttoning his pants. "Carson?"


"I'm so in love with you, you know that. Right?"

Carson smiles at the words, pulling his jeans off. He grabbed his wallet. "I know, Alex, I know. I'm in love with you too."

He grabs a packet before throwing the wallet back. Carson hisses when Alex sat up, blowing air against the tip.


Alex giggles, wrapping his small hand around Carson's member. "You have a pretty penis."

"Don't ever say that again."

Again, Alex giggles, swiping his thumb across the tip, smearing the drops of precum. "Penis."

"Stop it."


Carson rolls his eyes while opening the foil. "You're an ass."

"I want you in mine."

The blonde rolled the rubber down before looking back at Alex. "Do you have lube?"

Alex thinks for a moment, glancing at his dresser. "Yeah, one second."

"No, I'll get it. Where is it?"

"Top left drawer in a blue sock."

Carson fetched the bottle, accidently going into the right drawer at first because he doesn't know his direction. Alex giggles as Carson looked at his underwear.

"Wrong drawer..."

"Ya think?"

He eventually found the bottle tucked in a sock, glad Alex had some. The blonde squirted a generous amount on his throbbing member.

Alex was becoming impaitent, whining softly in want. "Carson."

"One sec."

The older boy let out a breath, clenching his hole over nothing. He could feel it throbbing, he was so sensitive. "How experienced are you?"

Carson looks up, gripping onto Alex's hips. "Uh... How would you want me to explain this?"

"What's your body count?"

The blonde stiffened, rubbing Alex's side. "Uh...27... If you include threesomes."

Alex's eyes widened, feeling vulnerable and small. He felt as if he wasn't going to be able to satisfy Carson. "Oh..."

"I used to be a huge man-whore. I had sex a lot to feel something...it got out of hand. I'm sorry."

The boy squirms as Carson rubbed goo onto the stretched ring. "Fuck." He forgot what they were talking about for a second. "Don't apologize...I haven't had sex much so..."

"That's okay." Carson pressed his tip against the hole, Alex whimpering in reply. He repositioned the boys legs, putting them on his shoulders. "You ready?"

"Yes! Please, rearrange my guts."

That's all Carson needed to here before sliding into him. Alex let out a squeaky, choked moan, digging his nails into Carson's arm.

Carson began to rock his hips slowly, grunting at Alex's tight hole clenching around him. He leaned down, their lips meeting.

He swallowed Alex's moans, beginning to fasten his pace, the smaller boy going crazy because of it. His legs wrapped around Carson's waist, his arms around his neck.

It was a sweet moment. Everything Carson did was gentle but well paced, wanting Alex to be as comfortable as possible

Everything about it was new to Carson. He's never had to be catering and gentle, he'd never shown affection or love towards the person he was having sex with. Alex also was new to the intimacy, his ex's only wanted sex and didn't really care about his likes and dislikes.

They whispered small, loving phrases to each other between moans or kisses. Everything was dragged out, Carson would stop for a few minutes just to make sure Alex was okay and showered with kisses.

It took them a while to orgasm because of how many times they stopped and loved on each other. Switched positions and exchanged a few words.

But it was amazing. The two were so in love and nothing could stop that.

Carson panted softly, dragging his tongue across the sticky substance on Alex's soft stomach. He caressed the boys milky, small thighs, lapping up the salty but sweet to him juice.

He pressed kisses on his stomach, his long lashes tickling Alex's skin. The blonde hums in satisfaction, the vibration making Alex giggle.

"Carson?" He sucks up the last of the cum, going back to Alex's face. The blonde tilts his head in question. "Was I... Good?"

"What do you mean? You taste amazing."

Alex blushed but shook his head. "No, I mean... Did I do anything wrong?"

Carson smiles gently at Alex, pressing a kiss to his forehead. "No, Al. You did amazing and felt so fucking good." The boy felt relieved, wrapping his arms around Carson's neck. "Did you think you did something wrong?"

"Kinda, yeah." Alex sheepishly shrugs before adding on. "I guess because I'm not as.. experienced, I guess."

Carson shook his head, "that doesn't matter, Al. What matters is if you're comfortable and enjoy it."

Alex has never heard someone say that to him. He's always used to his old boyfriend's fucking him and not showing affection. He was starting to question his relationship choices, but it's in the past.

"Oh, okay." He whispered, tangling his fingers through Carson's messy hair. "Fuck, I still need to dye my hair."

Carson chuckles, kissing the corner of Alex's mouth. He knew he wouldn't kiss him on the lips because he drank his cum. "We can do it now."

"I want to cuddle and kiss and be showered with love!" Alex whines needly, scratching Carson's back. "Love me."

"I just made love to you, needy brat."

Alex giggles, "I know, I like your attention." The blonde smiles again, pecking his forehead. "Ugh, I'm so fucking in love with you. I love every single thing about you. You're stunning and the sweetest boy alive."

Carson didn't know what to say, he started to grin.

"You make me so happy."

"You make me happy too. So happy."

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