Chapter 11

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Y/N- Your name
BFF/N- Best friends name
Bold- Y/N
Italic- BFF/N
Normal- Duke
BFF/N And Duke were kissing.

'D-Duke? B-Bff/n what are you guys doing..?" You say as Bff/n jumps a little..

"It's not what you think it is!! She kissed me and she wouldn't get off of me!"

"WHAT?? Come on Y/N you have to believe me.. I would never do something like to you, He obviously kissed me first."

"As of right now I can't trust both of you guys.. but whoever did it I hope you know we have cameras in the kitchen.."

"We what?" BFF/N obviously shocked making it suspicious.

"I got cameras two days ago when you were out with someone because I'm usually alone and I get paranoid so I feel safe now with cameras."

"Can you check the footage please..?" Duke said and he seemed hurt already.

"Please don't check them.."

"I'm checking them." You say as you walk away to check the footage.

"Y/N do you hate me..?"

"I don't know, You both are denying it so I have no idea."

"I said she kissed me!!" Duke says and you begin to watch the footage. 1, BFF/N ate your left overs and 2. she was the one who kissed Duke. You start to feel bad so you hug Duke.

"I'm sorry for not believing you.. I just wanted proof."

"It's okay. I feel uncomfortable being around BFF/N now."

"It's okay, I'll tell her that we don't feel comfortable having her around while you're here." You say as you leave to go talk to BFF/N.

"Why did you kiss him?"

"Because I like him too duh?"

"No you don't you're just jealous that I'm finally dating someone amazing."

"Why would I be jealous of that?"

"See you don't even like him because if you did you wouldn't be acting rude. Duke and I don't feel comfortable with you around."


"I feel like you should go stay at your cousins house now. I really don't want you to be here if you're going to be kissing my boyfriend."

"Yeah whatever like you needed me in your life." BFF/N says as she walks away to pack her stuff. When you heard her say that you felt like you did something horrible but you know that at the end of the day it'll be worth it. You won't be having someone over at the house who would want to steal your boyfriend. Even though the relationship has barely started it could easily go down hill all because of a person.
~ A few weeks later 😌~


"I'm bored!"

"Do you want to watch a movie or go eat somewhere?"

"Food! Let's go somewhere pleasee."

"Well where do you want to go?"

"Hm what about Olive Garden?"

"YES I haven't been there in a while, I'll wait for you to get ready."

"Noo I want to go like this please?"

"Fine, Let's go."

Both Duke and Y/N go out on a date to Olive Garden. You both order your favorite meals and have the best day of your life until Duke brings up something.

"I have to go back to Utah tomorrow."
"You do??? I thought we still had time to spend together??"

"I forgot about it.." Duke says with a pout.

"Take me with youuu pleaseee!"

"But you have to stay for your graduation on Friday."

"Then why can't you stay until Friday?"

"Because I already have a plane ticket."

"So you don't want to go to my graduation?

"Ugh fine Y/N I'll try and reschedule it or something. But For sure Saturday I'll be going back to Utah my family misses me."

"Wait! If you let me go on Saturday I can meet your family!"

"Are you sure you want to meet them?"

"Yes! I'm ready to meet them!"

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