Chapter 15

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Y/N- Your name
Bold- Y/N
Normal- Duke
Underline: Fan

Duke and I were able to change into our bathing suits and I was so excited to see him in it. We both surprised each other and honestly the bathing suit look perfect for each other.


"You look so adorable!"

"We should buy more matching bathing suits, pleaseee."

"Of course, we'll need some more especially since it'll be hot during summer."

I smiled and dragged Duke to one of those bathroom mirrors. We had to enter in a Unisex bathroom in order to take some mirror pictures and I was finally able to have a picture of us for my wallpaper.

We go find a spot and put a few towels down that we had previously bought at the store. I place down my belongings and hide them with something less valuable.

"Let's go in the water?"

"Yes please!"

We walk towards the water until someone decided to push me into it.


"I thought it was funny," Duke said as he was laughing. I decided to splash water onto him and he started to splash water towards me as well.

We decided to swim and have fun for a few hours until it was time to go. I was sitting next to duke on our towels while I wore one around my shoulders. We had spare time so we decided to watch the sunset until someone came up to us.

"Hi.. are you duke depp or uh willywonkatiktok?"

"Yes I am!"

"Can I take a picture with you?"

"Of course!" Duke said as he got up to take a picture.

Duke's first fan! Watching duke take a selfie with a fan made me so happy until they walked towards me.

"Are you his girlfriend! You were in his recent tiktok right?"


"No she's just a friend! But yeah she was in my recent TikTok!"


Friend? I know we barely started dating but I doubt a fan would leak out that information if we told them we were dating..

"That's so cool! I hope you guys can collab more! Well I have to go now, Bye!"

"Bye! Have a nice day!"


"What's wrong starshine?"

"Nothing, We should go now it's getting cold." I say as I get up and pick up my stuff. I go to the bathroom and Change into my clothes so I wouldn't get cold. I walk past Duke and get in his car and wait for him.

"Somethings up. Tell me!" Duke says as he gets in the car.


"Nothing? Sure, Was is because of what I told to the fan about us?"

"What else would it be."

"I told them we're friends because I don't want anyone to know about us yet. I want to see what fans feel about us being 'friends' that's why I wanted to do the collab in the first place.. and if they don't like you too bad I'll eventually let them know about you but as of right now it's best if we keep it a secret."

"I know but it hurts Duke.. you may think it wasn't a big deal but to me it was.. I'm dating the love of my life only to be known as a friend.."

"I'll tell them soon please just calm down.. I want them to get used to you being on my account, I want the haters to love you, I want you to gain love and support from my fans.. I want my fans to become your fans as well.."

"What if they all hate me? Then what are we going to do about it. Nothing."

"Well I'll prove them wrong and tell them you're my girlfriend and then they'll stop."

"Why can't you just tell them?? It's not that hard."

"Well it actually is.. they know you as a fan account who became my friend, They'll think it's 'unfair' or something if I immediately just say You're my girlfriend.. especially when I told them I didn't want someone hanging over me like a dead goose."

"Fine.. promise you'll let them know about me soon? I want to be known as your girlfriend.."

"I promise I will, let's just go home."

"Is it okay if I do a live? Do you want to be part of it?"

"Of course cutie."

Duke and I both go back to his house and once we arrived I took a quick shower and changed into a different outfit.

"Dukeeee Hurry up I want to start the live before it gets too late!"

Undercover - Duke Depp x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now