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the clinking of glasses resounded around the room, and everyone was chatting away, small laughs leaving there mouths now and again.

everyone except nine.

everyone around him seemed to be pouring drinks down their throats, alcohol running through their blood, but he could only sip his. he was sat on the floor near the corner, not really paying any attention to what the people around him were doing, because to be quite frank, he didn't really care. the only thing he could focus on like always was joong.

his thoughts constantly came back to last night, and the dream he'd had.

nine felt disgusting on behalf of his subconscious for that one.

he sat there, slowly slurping a vodka lime and soda, when a sickly sweet voice caught his attention.

'chen, baby, i'm going to go to the bathroom'


nine seemed to have momentarily forgotten that pleng was here, but she never failed to remind him of her presence.

he let his eyes drift over to the table where she sat. she got herself up before a big hand appeared on her own, making her head shoot up.

'i'll come with you' joong whispered.

the other boys seemed pre occupied with poisoning themselves, as they shuffled quickly away, but not nine.

nine just helplessly watched, seeing them pass through the door frame, and onwards into the hallway, before disappearing out of shot.

he felt like everything he held so close had been ripped from him. he knew exactly what they were going to do, and fuck did it hurt to know. obviously he knew they were dating, but it was so easy to forget because of how excessively touchy joong was with him.

'nine? do you want a refill?' pavels voice rang through his head. in a haze, he looked down to what used to be his full to the brim glass, which was now seemingly empty. he didn't even realise how much he must of drunk while lost in thought.

he turned himself to face pavel 'yeah. i wouldn't mind'

moments later, his empty glass had been restocked with the same harsh spirits, and instead of sipping this time, he allowed the acid to flow down his throat, burning as it went through him. a small cough escaped him, forcing him to pull away, before quickly going back to his glass. each time pavel asked, he would say yes again and again, as his whole being started to reek of vodka.

'hey buddy, you need to slow down, you're gonna make yourself sick' a soft voice mumbled near him., which he made out as bens.

in a drunken state he managed to respond with another cough, and a small nod of his head, placing his glass to the floor with a loud thud. he faced ben, who had concern slapped across his face, as he smiled.

'i'm okay, ben, honestly'

ben was visibly drunk too, nine could smell the alcohol on his breath from a few metres away, but he knew ben was less smashed up than him.

'if you say so. i'm going back to the table now, maybe grab a water from the kitchen, yeah?' he added, smiling back.

nine could only nod back. he took a deep breath, on a high from all he had consumed, and let his legs carry him off the floor. he wasn't so steady on his feet, so he had to use the wall to help him, but eventually he was out into the hallway, and before he knew it he had stumbled his way into the kitchen.

he could still hear the loud hum of voices from the living room, where the couples were, but it seemed even louder out here.

'it's too much now!! you never make any effort to hang out with me anymore'

brighter than a blue sky (joongnine)Where stories live. Discover now