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joongs legs couldn't carry him fast enough, as he sprinted down the halls. he had a rough idea of where nine was, but no idea what sort of state the boy was in, and his heart pounded in his chest because of this. the corridors were near empty, and there was no sign of pleng, nor anybody else. it took him less than a minute before he was outside the door, which he presumed nine would be behind, as he stood clawing for oxygen. he took a couple of seconds to compose himself, making sure he would seem calm to the elder, before slowly unlocking the door.


'j-joong?' a tiny, husky voice rang through joongs ears, as he entered the room.

his jaw fell, and he stood there in shock for a split second.

nine, his nine, lay against the wall, clutching his stomach, while blood dribbled down his face, along with a few stray tears.

nothing could explain the guilt that coursed through his veins at that moment.

he knew he caused this.

joong wasted no more time, rushing to his p's side to see what had happened.

'nine? shhh im here, nai, i've got you' he spoke as softly as he could, swallowing the lump in his throat.

'j-joong' was all the boy could manage, reaching his arms out for a hug, before hissing in pain, as he began to sob.

'nai, where does it hurt? do you think you can tell me?' joong asked him.

'm-my tummy, they k-kicke~ kicked m-me' he eventually forced out, tears staining his shirt.

'who did?' joong suddenly grew angry. more than one person was involved in this shit?

'pleng a-and the o-ther person, i-i do-nt know who i-it was' nine mumbled between sobs.

joong wanted to find them both, and beat the utter shit out of them, but he pushed away the anger, bringing his focus back to the sick and weak boy in front of him. he delicately wrapped his arms round the small boy, doing his best to avoid any wounds.

'okay, it's okay' he spoke into nines shoulder 'let's get you back yeah? i think you'll need a good rest, love' joong slowly pulled back, lifting nines chin up, and giving him a tiny smile.

the elders lips quirked up too, before he let joong gently pick him up, the odd whine leaving his lips. joong slid his arm around the boy, assisting him as they walked out to the main exit. most people were in classes, due it being the middle of the day, so they were safe to walk through the halls without getting any strange looks. when they finally reached the exit, joong came to a sudden halt, sighing.

'nine, i think i'm going to call a taxi, okay? i cant have you walking back in this state.' he announced, pushing a little piece of hair behind nines ear, only to reveal a couple of small cuts he hadn't seen before.

'o-okay, i'm sorry-' nine choked out, only causing the younger to shake his head.

'no. no apologies, okay? in no way was this your fault' he insisted, as nine offered him a small nod.

the pain of knowing that what had happened to nine was his own fault made joongs heart ache, as he reached for his phone, dialling the number for a taxi.


the smell of disinfectant swam through their apartment, and nine yelped in pain once it hit his raw skin.

'shhh, itll be over soon, hold my hand' joong soothed, reaching out for his p's hand.

nine had been quietly sobbing since this whole ordeal started hours ago, and as soon as joong had cleaned all of his wounds, his mission was to get nine to  open up to him, and then make sure he stopped crying.

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