Shelled (a Free Verse Brain Dump)

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You know turtles?
Yeah, those little guys.
Though some are big, so you can't really say that, right?
They're the ones with the shells,
Who are pretty darn slow.
The quiet ones,
That never really seem to put on a show.

The story of the turtle and the hare, you say?
No, you silly goose, that was a tortoise!
Get with it buddy,
Or I'm gonna have to end this right here and hit the hay.

Hmm, interesting thought, my fine-feathered friend!
Turtles could indeed take over the world someday, pfft to the naysayers.
But what would happen then?
Would they run restaurants, and work at bars?
Would they play sports, and drive cars?
You're right, they would have to reconfigure the steering wheels so that they can reach them.
I'll get back to you on that one, alright? It is really quite intriguing...

Well, it has been great talkin' with you, pal.
I hope that we can chat another time in the near future someday, somehow.
But seeing as I'll probably never see you again,
It seems that the last time we shall converse is...right now.

So I bid you farewell, my lovely green friend.
Stay safe, and be happy,
Until we meet again!

.....By the way, LOVE what you did with your shell. It looks absolutely stunning!


Plot twist, the person was talking to a turtle the entire time. You're welcome for this truly meaningful poem. ;D

Konnichiwa! I hope y'all are doing well, and enjoyed reading this randomness that I threw onto paper, or in this case, Wattpad. Don't ask what this was, 'cause I sure as heck don't! But we could all use some randomness and funniness in our lives once in a while, especially during times like these. Despite the many different opinions being thrown into people's faces, the anger, and ever-present worry, just hang in there! It'll get better soon, I promise. Keep on groovin' in your own unique way, and don't let anyone stop you.

Just don't do anything stoopid while your groovin' or somebody might have to step in lol.

Stay safe! GO TURTLES!!!!!

Thanks for readin'!

Love, Stardusttoad

Love, Stardusttoad💜

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