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Brian Bilston


are extraordinary 


They teach us

about topographical features, 

and the causes of the first world war.

They teach us

about working safely with Bunsen Burners

and what a protractor is for.

They teach us

about apostrophe's

and where not to put them.

They teach us

when to open our mouths

and when best to shut them.


make us dream-chaser,

star reachers.

Yes, teachers

are extraordinary


Except for Mr. Jenkins

'cos he put me in detention that one time

when I done a Chinese burn on Craig Hutchings.


'Ello mates! I hope you are staying safe during troubling times, and everything is going well for you. If you live in the U.S. and are of age, I hope that you voted, or maybe reminded someone to vote. Politics are fun! (not) 

Anyhow, keep being you, and make sure to appreciate the people who taught you so many things, the teachers in our lives. And it is not even just school teachers, teachers can be anybody from parents to swimming instructors. Keep in mind the people who helped you to be the awesome person you are. 

Thanks for readin'!

Love, Stardusttoad

Love, Stardusttoad💜

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