Chapter 2

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We arrived to the big mansion like house as soon as we made it to the house Masimo got a phone call and he growled in frustration the car stopped and we got out everyone except him. I walked past him to walk out when he grabbed my waist stopping me. He leaned down in my ear and whispered " You got lucky but I'll see you tonight and you better behave". He growled into my neck causing me to shiver and swallow. As soon as he let me go I hurried to catch up with the others. We walked in the house and I gasped it was beautiful. It was like a red and black theme going on with black marble black couches red pillows everything was beautiful. They had Removed or handcuffs and hurriedly locked the door to stop Us from leaving.
"Wowwww this is dope". Olivia said before walking up to flowers picking them up and smelling them. The 4th in command walked up behind her grabbing her hand putting the flowers down and pulling her towards the stair case. She jumped a little surprised snatching her hand out of his. He looked as if he was about to get mad until he looked at her face and saw her blushing and trying to hide it. He relaxed a bit before putting his hand on the small of her back and pushing her towards the stairs gently. "Come let's show you guys your rooms" he spoke while staring at Olivia intensely. While we made our way towards the stairs Jade stopped and walked towards a item on the wall. " OMG is this a Katona"? She asked shocked turning around to come face to face with the Beta. " Yep signed by the greatest Master Senpia" He replied while picking the sword up and showing us the engraving. " Wait I thought he was just a famous celebrity " Vanessa asked looking confused. " No he's actually 1 of China's greatest Masters" Replied the 3rd in command while he checked his watch. "Dude that is sick" Jade exclaimed while tracing the engraving. "Can we get to the rooms now " I spoke getting impatient. Jade rolled her eyes and everyone started walking upstairs. The walls had paintings of people on it and the hallways were a cream color. One of the pictures were a family. A mom a dad and 4 children. 1 of them resembled Masimo and the 3rd in command. I turned to the 3rd in command. "So you and the alpha are related" I asked. He shook his head yes examining the picture a little more. "What about you 2 " Vanessa asked the beta and 4th in command. "we're cousins with the alpha but we are brothers" the beta replied pointing at the 4th.
" Awwww that's cute " Olivia gushed causing everyone to look at her weird. "What" She snapped folding her arms. We finally made our way to 4 doors. The first room had a yellow and gray vibe going on and Olivia jumped up claiming the room instantly. The next room was like a black and emerald green vibe which Jade claimed. The 3rd room was Navy blue and pink which Vanessa chose and of course the last room was mines. It was a Light pink grey and white vibe and I loved it. "Dinners at 8 see you then" The beta spoke before shutting my door leaving me alone. I walked over to the closet walking in to see clothes girl clothes and coincidentally my size. I looked in the counter top with drawers in the middle of the walk-in closet and saw girl underwear all types thongs you name it. I huffed in annoyance. I hated girl underwear I mean I wore it every once in a while but I hated having to dig wedgys out. So I started wearing men's boxers. The drawer next to it had bras in it and I realeased another fit of groans. I don't like those either I usually wear bunny cups or put tape on my nipples I didn't have a lot of boob but I wasn't flat. They were just medium sized and perky they didn't sag which I was glad for it made it easy not to tell that I didn't have a bra on. I stripped from my clothes and walked towards the bathroom and took a quick shower before changing into some black leggings and a cropped graphic tee. I went back to the closet and noticed their were barely any shoes and the ones there were Jordan's Nike's or pumas. "Atleast he has shoe game taste." I mumbled. I layed down on the bed a scrolled through TikTok. It was 7 a hour till dinner. I shifted uncomfortably. The underwear was giving me a major wedgie. I couldn't put the ones I had back on either they're considered dirty now. So I got a great idea and that was to find one of the boys rooms instead. I'm pretty sure they're boxers are clean. I mean who puts dirty boxers in a drawer right? I opened the door to my room and started to walk quietly down the hallway when I got to the end of it I noticed a elevator and when I got on it it had 4 floors. So I went to the 3rd floor and noticed this was the boys floor. So I went to the first room next to the elevator . I walked into the gray white and black room. I walked into the closet and started going to the drawers grabbing multiple boxers as fast as I could. I walked out of the closet and as soon as I did Masimo stepped in the room closing the door locking eyes with me. I froze as I saw his face frown and twist into a deadly glare.
" what the fuck are you doing in my room". He snarled before glancing at my hands. I stuttered heart racing in my chest. "Iiiiii wanted your boxers". I replied shaking.  He then gave me a weird confused look.
" For what". He asked closing the space between us. I gulped and brushed my hair out of my face " welll you see I don't really feel comfortable in girls underwear and like right now I'm getting a major wedgie so I usually wear boys boxers cause they are loose and comfortable so um yea." I rambled then face palmed when I realized I told him I had a wedgie. He stared intently before walking towards me. I backed up towards the wall where he cornered me. He then grabbed the boxers out of my hand handing me 2 before walking towards his closet . " you can have 2 not all of them" he replied . I blushed realizing I left him 1 boxer. He walked out of the closet removing his shirt and my eyes widened. I just stared and he stopped dead in his tracks staring back raising his eyebrow. I then realized  I was still here for what so I hurried out of the room stumbling a little walking towards the door. I got back to my room jumping on my bed face in the pillow embarrassed. I decided not to go to dinner. " oooooo I'm getting a major wedgie." I mimicked my self he probably thinks I'm a nasty weirdo. I might as well have told him I had underwear stuck up my ass. And why did I act so scared what happened to my balls. I should've rolled my eyes and walked out. 
" Ugggg". I groaned changing into the boxers and throwing my leggings on the floor. I then drifted into a deep sleep.

So guys how are you liking the new improved story did you like joe slaughter or do you like micheal better? Anyways if you like the story please
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