Chapter 11

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Thats all i could hear. Jade fidgeted while avan stood guard making sure Masimo didn't try to choke me out. His eyes were changing back and forth and it seemed like he was fighting for control. Silence silence silence. No one spoke not even me i was fighting the smart and evil words i wanted to say. But i knew it would piss him off even more. And i did not feel like fighting a 480 pound wolf. " What do you want." I spoke breaking the silence. Everything happened so fast I don't know why those words triggered him but they did his eyes turned to a blood red as he changed into a dark chocolate brown gigantic wolf. I mean that mother Fucker was huge. I finally swallowed the boldness and replaced it with fear. But before he could get to me Avan changed to his wolf pushed him into the wall gently but sternly. I was surprised here he is challenging his alpha for the safety of me a stranger that has done nothing but got on his nerves. But here they were at a stand off while me and jade sat in fear of interfering but we had to do something. Zac and Alex were on each side of the 2 ready to hold them back from getting each other. Masimo was using the alpha power to tell him to back down but avan refused and in a blink of an eye Masimo had left a claw scratch on avans face causing me and jade to gasp. Jade whimpered running to him hugging him as both him and Masimo turned back to human. " I told you to stand down. " he growled walking over helping him up. "
I also made an oath to protect our Luna under no circumstances" he spoke irritated. He walked up to Masimo standing shoulder to shoulder getting ready to leave with jade behind him in concern before he spoke those last words. " Even if you were the one causing harm to her" He spoke leaving while jade mouthed good luck to me. The door slammed shut as he turned to look at the floor. Olivia and Vanessa had gotten up and followed their mates them both mouthing good luck to me. " Why would you do that to him" I spoke angrily while standing up stalking towards him. I felt so guilty my bestfriend could've lost her mate because of Masimos stupidity and anger issues. Weren't they family? Aren't you supposed to put family first? "How are you the alpha when you cant control yourself? Avan couldve lost his life what if that was his throat instead of his face?" I was now faced to face with I was boiling in rage did this man have any sense. " Aren't you going to answer me" I screamed. Silence once again silence. He turned his eyes were bloody red again and he looked at me. He started to speaked when one of the guards busted through the door
" Alpha one of the pack houses are under attack again we need you" he looked at me and left but before he did he looked at me his eyes longing to say something before he sighed and left leaving me irritated with a plan.

Once again I was running away and I know what your gonna say
" Aren't you gonna get caught" Well I don't plan on it. This time im going far away like im thinking Spain or Paris one of those. How did i come up with this plan you ask? well i happened to be looking through my suitcase when my passport fell out and then I thought how about i move to another country.
"Don't you think this is getting old " Jade said. Olivia sat on the edge of my bed while Vanessa layed on her back staring at the ceiling. Jade was leaning up against the doorway watching Me in amusement. "Not really, Im really done this time". I said with a bratty stubborn attitude causing jade to role her eyes.
" So what's the plan this time, and I'll take a seat for this" Vanessa said while jade siat down with her arms crossed as a grin made its way on her face. " well while Masimo is taking care of the attack, intruders I'm going to the garage and I'm going to take one of the cars and we're going to a hotel
5 hours away from here and then from there we're going to get on the plane and go to Paris I was thinking Spain but I think I'll stick with Paris I already failed Spanish in school". I spoke confidently. Jade laughed out loud dramatically falling out of her chair rolling around on the floor while i continued packing ignoring her childishness. " Ok OK i quit i quit, but dont you think theres a. guard at every door? You Don't think He's stupid enough to leave the Luna and female beta unguarded during a attack again?". I froze and thought about it. She was right he probably had guards on deck protecting us. "Well we can use a window " I said turning to the window stopping in my tracks once I see the boarded up. "Orr we can cause a distraction Lock the door." Jade looks at me suspiciously before locking the door slowly. Olivia and Vanessa gets up looking at me weird. " So were gonna make it seem like someone broke in and attacked us by screaming like maniacs And being dramatic and trashing the room then when they are struggling to open the door we are gonna hide behind the door so when they break in we walk out and book it while their backs are turned, "I said smiling at jade shocked expression. "How'd you come up with that idea so quick" Olivia said surprised.
" Idk its a talent I guess," I said shrugging my shoulders. I started silently flipping the dresser and tv and other things over trashing the room best i could. "By the count of 3 we are gonna start screaming like maniacs." I said to the girls as they hurriedly ran to her room to get their clothes locking the door back. "What will we do for money?" She asked I smirked at her words."well I found someones credit card and that person is rich asf so I think we'll be fine. "Ok 1,2,3" we started screaming wailing and panicking wildly. I could hear footsteps coming up the stairs. We hid next to the hotel room door as it was thrown open and 6 guards ran in we carefully walked out closing the door quietly as the started searching the room. We got in a all black tinted Jeep and made our way to the hotel 5 hours away. We got there 11:00 midnight and decided to take a nap before our flight to Paris in the morning. As we slept in the bed together I noticed Olivia whining quietly and rubbing her Mark in her sleep. This was going to be hard for her that stupid mate bond. I drifted to a deep enchanting sleep.(Idk I kinda wanted to be extra don't ask😂)

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