Chapter 9

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We heard footsteps coming up the stairs and stopping in front of the door. " We need to hide what are you doing sitting there" Jade screamed in my head. We all ran into the bathroom. Jade went to a secret door.
" We have a secret door" I spoke to Jade whispering causing her to nod in response. She grabbed a key from the medicine cabinet and unlocked the door pulling me Vanessa and Olivia through it before locking it back. " So I've discovered this secret door it goes through a room of a bed and couch ,a room of sweets, and a room of shoes and clothes and let me tell you they are so fucking Fye" she whispered yelled.
" At the end of the rooms it's a way out but I think we should stay here because we don't know who is in the house and as you see in every Wattpad book they always get caught trying to escape" She whispered grabbing a Hershey bar.

" I thought Wattpad was for nerds" Vanessa spoke crossing her arms glaring at her.
" Let's be honest some of those books are good" she giggled. We heard footsteps coming in the room and we got quiet. They opened the bathroom and we heard things being broken. " We're is the alpha's mate" A voice screamed throwing something.
" There not here, But I can smell them" Another voice spoke sounding like a female. " She's human" A voice spoke sounding like boy.
" No duh dummy I'm pretty sure no werewolf females come to a banquet" said the female voice. We heard a smack.
" OWWW dad she hit me " Said the boy in a whinny voice. Me and Olivia silently laughed at the childish behavior.
"Lilly don't hit your brother said another female voice as we heard footsteps coming in the bathroom. " But mom Jack Hit me on the way here" Lilly whined.
"Did not"
"Did to"
"DID TO !"
They argued back and forth. "SHUT UP the both of you" the father yelled.
" Karen how are we supposed to be criminals when we bring them every were we go " he yelled. " Idk Bob why can't your mother watch them ooh I know because she's a selfish bastard" Karen yelled. "Leave my mother out of this" yelled Bob. " No you blame me for everything what do you want with the alpha's mate anyway" Karen yelled back. "Let's go kids" Bob said as we heard footsteps leaving the bathroom. Karen huffed following the group and we heard the front door close.
"Welllllll " I said while giggling. "I know right they are such bad criminals they just gave all of there names and they were being super loud" laughed Jade. " How did they know I went to the banquet" I asked confused about the comment Lilly made. " I mean our little show we put on probably spread around town or maybe they were there " responded Olivia . "Let's stay here till the boys get back " I spoke going to the bed next couch.

Marie's POV

As we sat watching the muted TV we heard the doors burst open from downstairs followed by growls.
". I guess our mates a here" whispered Jade causing me to sigh.
We got up and walked out the room just as they came bursting through the door.
"Why do I smell other people"Masimo growled eyes glowing and looking at me and Jade. "Um well you see what happened was we- Jade cut me off before I can finish.
"Had a party" she shouted. I looked at her shocked. "Did you now" her mate spoke as him zac and Masimo raised their eyebrows. I looked at Jade as she looked back at me with pleading eyes. Olivia and Vanessa looked at each other before looking back at us, I sighed in annoyance before agreeing with her. " So let me get this straight you guys had a party and you let these people vandalize our home not too mention we weren't even gone that long so you managed to have a party in 20 seconds" Masimo spoke glaring at the both of us. I'm pretty sure he knew we were lying but I just kept making stuff up. "Yep" I replied popping the p causing his glare to get icy and Jade Vanessa to giggle. Zac gave them a stern look and they quickly stopped. Nodding their heads agreeing with me. " Well then where are the beer bottles and the food ,the snacks" Avan added smirking like he caught us but even Jade knew they did not win this battle. " Well you see we are all christans so drinking is a sin and so is sex and drugs and alcohol so we decided to talk about our Lord and savior Jesus Christ" I spoke while Jade tried to hold in her laugh. Olivia looked at Alex before hurriedly looking away blushing." So how did everything get broken" he spoke eyes glued to me and Jade's face looking for anything to expose us lying to them. " So Rebecca was possessed by a demon so we had to deliver her of it and let's say things got messy." I spoke making big hand gestures causing  Vanessa to turn away to stop from laughing. There was a moment of silence and everyone just looked at each other. Masimo ran his hand through his hair causing me to look away before my wolf wouldn't put anything dirty in my mind. " Pack some clothes were staying at a hotel tonight" he Stated. As they began he turned around walking up to me like he was going to hit me. I turned to run but his hands wrapped around my waist pulling me into him causing me to squeal. He leaned down next to my ear and whispered " And behave yourself if you guys try to run tonight just know I will catch you and when I do it won't be gentle" he let go of me and walked out the door. Jade waved at me and went to start packing followed by Vanessa and Olivia who had linked arms with each other.

So guys thank you so much for the support I hope you guys like the new and improved book.
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