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I woke up to a beeping sound.

A groan left my lips as I slowly opened my eyes.

"Babe! You're okay! I was so scared!" Lauren cried out, squeezing my hand.

"What happened? Where's Cole?" I exclaimed, immediately sitting up.

"He's with Grace right now. Your parents...they're in jail for abuse." I ran a hand through my hair.

"I-Is the baby okay?" I looked down at my stomach.

"They're fine. I caught you before you could fall." I nodded, my head hurt.

I brought my hand up to touch where it hurt and felt what can only be described as gauze on it.

"No, don't touch it, baby. You have stitches. You hit your head pretty hard." I nodded and the doctors came in, pushing a bed in.

"Grace!" I exclaimed, smiling when I saw her.

She was happily laying in her hospital bed.

"You mind me being your roomie?" She asked, making me chuckle.

"I'd pick you over any other hospital roommate any day." She laughed at that and I reached to grab her hand.

Cole climbed onto my bed, resting his head on my chest and his hand on my stomach.

"You protected me from Mom and Dad?" He asked, making me nod.

"Why?" He asked, tearing up.

"Because you deserve to be happy, Cole. What they did to you-us was not okay. No one should ever feel the way they made us feel. I promise as long as you're with me that I'll do my absolute best to protect you, baby boy. I love you so much." I spoke, wiping his tears away.

He kissed where the wound was. "But you're hurt..." he spoke, fiddling with his fingers.

"I'd go through much more for you." I spoke, lifting his chin.

"But the baby..." he mumbled.

"You're my baby too." I spoke, making him hug me tightly.

Lauren stayed by my side, the doctors checking up on everything before they released me tomorrow.

We watched Toy Story, Cole smiling widely the entire time.

I watched as Grace called Lauren over, whispering into her ear.

Lauren smiled, blushing slightly.

I didn't want to intrude so I kept my eyes on the movie.

Clara entered with food.

"Yay, food! I'm starving!" I exclaimed, smiling when she put a plate in front of me.

We all ate, watching the movie.

I wiped Cole's face, giggling when he whined since I blocked him from seeing the tv.

"Oh hush, bubz. I'm done." I said, kissing his cheek.

I sat up, a hand over my baby bump as I did so.

I pulled Lauren to lay with Cole and I in the bed, and surprisingly we all fit.

She spooned me, Cole laying in front of me.

I shut my eyes, coaxing myself into a well needed sleep.

What a day we had. What a week we had.

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