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I woke up nauseous and I rushed to the bathroom.

Lauren was quick to rush after me, holding my hair back as I threw up into the toilet.

A groan left my lips as I quickly shut the toilet lid when I was finished.

"Mommy?" I heard the small footsteps of Cole.
"No, No. baby stay in the room." Lauren helped me into my feet and helped me wash my mouth out, brushing my teeth after.

"Ugh, being pregnant sucks." Lauren chuckled at that, gently rubbing my bump.

"It'll be worth it." I smiled at that and went back into the bedroom.

"Hey, bud." I sighed, sitting next to him.

"Are you okay? Are you sicky?" He asked, putting his hand up to rest over my forehead.

I smiled at him. "I'm fine, Bubba. It's just something I had to deal with for the baby." He frowned.

"The baby makes you sicky?" I nodded.

"Sometimes. But it's normal." He lifted my shirt to look at my stomach. Cookie licked at Cole's chin, making him giggle.

"Hey in there. You be nice to Mommy. She doesn't deserve to be all sicky." I chuckled at the little boy.

He gave a kiss to my bump and Lauren kissed his forehead.

"Baby. I invited the girls over for a little get together later. I hope that's okay with you." I smiled at her.

"That's fine, Lo. What time?" She looked at her phone.

"5." I nodded.

"Come on, prince. Lets get you ready for the day." I spoke, holding the little one's hand and letting him lead me to his bedroom.

I got him dressed and did his hair. He looked so damn cute.

I laced up his shoes for him and jumped when I saw Lauren leaning against the doorframe, watching us.

"Dios mio, Lauren! You scared me!" She chuckled, smiling as she watched us.

"Sorry." She walked over and kissed my forehead.

Lauren fixed Cole's collar, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"There you go, handsome little man." She spoke, making Cole smile.

"Come on, lets go make breakfast. You wanna help, Cole?" I asked, watching as he nodded his head rapidly.

I smiled at that, grabbing his hand and bringing him downstairs.

Taylor decided to spend the night and there she was, asleep on the couch. Cookie followed us and licked at Taylor's hand.

"Go wake up your Aunty Taylor while I get things ready." He nodded, running off and jumping on Taylor.

I smiled at that and started getting the ingredients for Pancakes out.

That was when I felt to arms snake around my waist and lips gently kiss my neck.

"Mmm, hey baby." I smiled, leaning into her touch.

"Hey, baby." She smiled pressing a kiss to my temple.

"God, I love you." I hummed, relaxing against her wandering hands.

"I love you, more." She rubbed my stomach.

"Not as much as I love you both." Both. Both of us. I smiled, turning around in her arms to look into her eyes.

"If they're anything like you, they'll be a gift to this world." She smiled, tracing her fingers over my cheek.

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