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the cool ones

members: 1) kimdayoung19
2) you

Me: Omggggggg

kimdayoung19: Whaaaa

Me: I'm so tired 😫

kimdayoung19: Why???

Me: Cuz I've been dancing for like 10 hours straight

kimdayoung19: WTF OMG Jimin stop take a break

Me: I am. That's why I'm talking to you

kimdayoung19: Jeez 10 hours that's way too much Jimin

kimdayoung19: Quarantine school has barely started

Me: I know but I still take it as seriously as I would normal school

Me: I've gotta keep working hard if I want to achieve my dream

kimdayoung19: Which is?

Me: To become a professional dancer of course

Me: I want to put on performances and be known

Me: I worked my butt off my whole life to get somewhere with my dance and I won't stop now when I'm almost at the finish line

kimdayoung19: Jimin that's great and all

kimdayoung19: But you should never overachieve so much that you burn yourself out at the start

kimdayoung19: You've got a few months more of online dancing and then in-person dancing of they decide to open schools up

kimdayoung19: I'm sure you're incredible and you want to do your best

kimdayoung19: But I don't want to see you stressed out and exhausted like this

kimdayoung19: I really care about you Jimin

Me: Wow

Me: That was really really sweet of you Dayoung

Me: It's been a while since anyone hardcore cared like that

Me: Thank you

Me: It really means a lot to me

Me: 😊

Me: And btw, I care a lot about you too

Me: I'm glad we became friends on this stupid website

kimdayoung19: Awww

kimdayoung19: Me too

kimdayoung19: I really thought this website was pointless but our friendship seems to have proven otherwise

Me: Hehe I'm glad

kimdayoung19: Yep

kimdayoung19: So this was cutely wholesome 😅

Me: U have no idea

Me: I'm a red tomato and I feel all warm and fuzzy inside

kimdayoung19: Haha me too 🥰

Me: Gosh ur so cute 🥺

kimdayoung19: No u 🥺

Me: No u 🥺

kimdayoung19: NO YOU 🥺😡

Me: NO YOU 🥺🥺🥺😡😡😡

kimdayoung19: Fine

kimdayoung19: You win

kimdayoung19: For now

Me: I'll always win 😌

kimdayoung19: I'm very competitive so we'll see

Me: Omg u remind me of Jungkook

kimdayoung19: Is he competitive? Cuz I bet I'm more competitive than him 😉

Me: Oh u two would get along famously

kimdayoung19: Not if he's competitive

kimdayoung19: I'll crush my enemies

Me: Oh 😳

Me: Ok then

kimdayoung19: Too much?

Me: Just a little

kimdayoung19: Soz 🤷‍♀️

Me: Hey I've gotta go now

Me: My mom is calling

Me: Ttyl

kimdayoung19: Ok

kimdayoung19: Byeeee

Me: Later

[Read at 11:06 P.M.]

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