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the cool ones

members: 1) kimdayoung19
2) you

kimdayoung19: Hey cutie u up?

kimdayoung19: How's the hangover?

Me: It feels like someone threw a brick at my head omg

Me: How much did I drink???

kimdayoung19: Directly quoted, "4 beers, 1 whiskey, 1 wine, 1 vodka, 1 special cocktail"

Me: Crap seriously

Me: I didn't even know I owned that much alcohol

Me: Oh god I message u

Me: Omg I must've sounded so stupid

kimdayoung19: You were drunk so it's fine

kimdayoung19: But I'm evil so I'll use it as a bounty

Me: Omg no please I beg u

kimdayoung19: nonono i liked drunk u

kimdayoung19: Ofc I love this u a lot more

kimdayoung19: But drunk u was an experience

Me: Omg I made a total fool out of myself

kimdayoung19: Yes

kimdayoung19: Yes you did 😂

Me: This is great

Me: I'm going to go dig my grave now

Me: C ya

kimdayoung19: Nooo don't leave

kimdayoung19: I love u 🥺🥺🥺

Me: Hmm

kimdayoung19: I'll make out with you when we meet

Me: Deal

kimdayoung19: Good cuz I planned on doing that anyway 😉

Me: Oh ok 😏

Me: Speaking of which, when do you think they'll finally lift the ban

Me: I heard they were making an announcement

kimdayoung19: I hope it's soon

kimdayoung19: I've always loved the winter

kimdayoung19: Speaking of which...

kimdayoung19: Did you see the snowfall today?

Me: I did

Me: It was gorgeous

kimdayoung19: Ahh I love it so much

kimdayoung19: I've always been a lover of snow

kimdayoung19: Today I actually went outside (oops) and I just stood outside in the snow like an idiot

Me: that sounds adorable

kimdayoung19: I am pretty adorable

Me: Don't I know it

kimdayoung19: Anyway it was so magical

kimdayoung19: God I hope this bs gets over soon

kimdayoung19: Less disease and more kids out enjoying the snow

Me: I await for that day patiently

kimdayoung19: Same here

Me: I hope this ends soon

Me: Because I want to see this special spot

Me: And I hope to god it's snowing

Me: Because I know you'll have the most precious smile on your face and it's making my heart all fuzzy just thinking about

kimdayoung19: Ahhh ur such a good human what???

Me: Hehe I try

Me: I've gotta study now but I'll text you in a bit

kimdayoung19: Go make a hangover cure first!

Me: Yes ma'am

Me: Love you

kimdayoung19: Love you more

Me: Love you most

kimdayoung19: Love you infinity and beyond

kimdayoung19: HA I WIN

Me: My love is immeasurable with words

Me: Looks like I win

kimdayoung19: Whatever 😒

[Read at 10:08 A.M.]

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