2. The Announcement

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Harry, his sister and their friends discuss about giving their friends group a name.


The Welcome Back Feast started the usual way with the sorting of the newly arrived First Year students. Colin Creevey's brother, Dennis Creevey too had been accepted into Hogwarts that year. Hence he too had arrived by the boats. The eleven-year-old was seen sporting Hagrid's huge moleskin jacket as he had fallen into the lake. He spotted his older brother and waved at him enthusiastically. Colin too waved back with the same fervour.

Once the sorting was done and food eaten to everyone's fill, Dumbledore got up to give the usual announcements and instructions that he gave every year. He proceeded to announce about the new tournament that was to take place that year. "I have a special announcement." He boomed across the hall.

"There is a special inter school quidditch tournament that has been organised by the Ministry for Magic this year. This will take place along with your usual Quidditch Tournament that takes place between the four houses of our school." Announced the headmaster. This alone got a huge cheer from the students sitting in the hall.

Once silenced, he continued "The two other schools participating, Durmstrang Institute for Magic from Bulgaria and Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, will be arriving at Hogwarts next week on Saturday. Be at your best behaviour as it is about our school's reputation. All of the details will be given once they have arrived. Hence, start preparing your teams by filling out the empty positions and training your existing players. That's it for now. Thank you and have a good night's sleep."

Everyone got up after this to go back to their dormitories. Angelina stopped Harry, Alaya, Alicia and the Twins from going further and asked them to meet her at the couches placed by the fireplace in the common room. Alaya asked her once everyone reached the designated spot. "What is it, 'Lina?"

"To start with, I've been made Gryffindor captain this year." she said as she removed the shiny red and gold quidditch captain badge from the pocket of her skirt. The other five congratulated her for this. "Thanks guys. I want to know when I can hold the keeper try-outs. I actually want to hold it as soon as possible as I want to train him/her for the position by the time we play our first match." She said. "I agree with her. Along with that, we also need to have reserve team members for each position. You guys remember what happened to the final against Slytherin back when Alaya and I were in first year." said Harry.

The team nodded at this and they used the next twenty minutes to discuss when to hold the try-outs. It was then decided that the try-outs for all the positions, including the reserves will be held on Monday and Tuesday after dinner.

This made Angelina run out of the Common Room to McGonagall's quarters so that she could book the pitch before anyone gets it on the decided days. McGonagall was surprised AND proud of the fact that her lions had already started planning and agreed to book the dates with Madam Hooch.

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