10. Discussions

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Fred and George explain about the Communication Bands.


The twins wrote a letter to Remus about the bands and the amount of Stainless Steel that they'll need to make the bands. Sirius met with Harry and Alaya again after making sure the guest and the host schools were served lunch.

"What's up you guys? What were you upto until lunch?" asked Remus who showed up with Sirius. The Weasley Twins, The Potter Twins, Ron, Hermione and Ginny were going to the Owlery to send the letter the older twins had written to Remus. "Hey Uncle Remus. We didn't know you were here with him." Said Harry as he indicated towards Sirius. "I wanted to meet you two. And it's good that I got to meet all of you as well in one shot." He said with a smile.

"Mr. Moony, we finished our sample designs and also got the approval of the rest of our friends. We were going to send our letter to you about the materials that we require. Now that you're here, can we discuss about that?" asked George. "Sure, we can. Shall we go to some abandoned classroom?" he asked. "Sure. Let's go." Said George and the trio went away to the castle.

"What do they mean by finishing the sample designs?" asked a shocked Sirius. "We had asked them to make something that can be used to contact each other. It also alerts each and every member when one or the other person is in danger." Said Alaya. "They had learnt a few very high-level charms that they've used from our oldest brother Bill when we had gone to Egypt the summer before last." Said Ginny. Sirius was even more shocked when he heard this. "Wow!" was all he could say. "Wow, indeed." Said Harry.



It was dinner time soon. Remus and the twins had discussed about how much materials do they want to make their inventions. A total of 39 communication bands were to be created for the members studying in Hogwarts. The twins would create another 10 extra for the Weasley siblings, their girlfriends and for Dora, in case they wanted to join the team.

All the Hogwarts students sat according to their houses. The Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge; Head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation, Sirius Black; Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Amelia Bones; And the Head of the Auror Department, Rufus Scrimgeour were present at the Head Table along with the teachers. Everyone were awaiting the arrival of the guests so that they can start their meal.

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