34. Store Visit

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The Potter Twins introduce the games to the rest of their friends.


Harry and Alaya had their hands full with their company, studies and quidditch. They were really very thankful of the time delay feature in the RoR that actually gave them the time to finish their homework and to take care of their businesses.

On the weekend about two weeks before the store opened, Remus took them to the store that had already been designed and built in the main street with the rest of the shops in the quaint little town since their extra classes was only after lunch and was done with all of their assigned homework. The design was simple and elegant, yet caught the eye. "Isn't the white fox the animagus form of Estelle Juneur?" asked Remus when he saw the shop's logo in the front façade. "Yes, it is. There are plush toys of the fox amongst others." Said Alaya. Remus nodded and went inside with them.

Everyone except for the site manager knew the trio and greeted them when they walked in. "HEY! WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? THE STORE ISN'T OPEN YET! GET OUT!" he shouted. Remus and Alaya winced at the loud noise as it was only two days for full moon. But before they could tell anything, "Watch who you're talking to, Andrew." Said a voice from behind them.

Robert Dowells, who was visiting Hogsmeade to check on the store saw the trio entering the store. He also knew that Andrew, the site manager, didn't know that the kids were the owner of the company and the older man was their guardian. So, he went in to help them should things get out of hand. He walked in to shouting coming from the employees end. "Watch who you're talking to, Andrew." He said authoritatively. Remus, Harry and Alaya sighed in relief when they saw the MD himself walking in. "Mr. Dowells, sir, these three..."

He stopped when Dowells raised a hand. "The young Potter twins here are the owners of the JWT company, you idiot. And this is their guardian, Remus Lupin." He admonished. Andrew flushed and realization creeped onto his face. "I'm really sorry, Mr. and Miss Potter. I didn't know that." He said, embarrassed. "It's okay, Mr. Andrew. You were just doing your job. Why don't you show us around, please? We'd like to check it out properly before the store is opened and bombarded with our school mates." Said Harry.

Andrew nodded and showed them around. Other than the normal stuff, there were t-shirts and jackets too that were there. "Tonks and Andy thought that it would be great if there was a clothing line included. Sirius agreed and this too was added. I hope you don't mind." Said Remus. The twins were elated. "No, we don't. That's actually a very nice idea, actually." Said Alaya.

Remus just nodded and went on to check the rest of the store with his adopted son and daughter.



I'm really very sorry about not posting yesterday. My family and I had gone for a trek on a hill close to the city I live in. And since we had to leave quite early, I couldn't post this chapter. I hope you don't mind.

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