21. Training Again

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There was a bit of a skirmish with the Aurors.


The group had a very successful Hogsmeade visit. They had their lunch in Three Broomsticks somewhere in between their looking through the stores.

Soon, it was time to go back to the castle. The Delacour sisters and Krum parted ways when they reached the entrance hall of the castle and told them that they'll meet for dinner. Even during dinner, the teachers noticed that various students of all the three schools had decided to sit with each other, instead of only with their school mates and they were happy for them.

The Master Minds met up at Minds HQ soon after dinner and cast the Protean Charm on the fake galleons. The extra communication bands weren't fitted with galleons as they had decided to do it only if it was given to someone. Harry tried it out by pressing on the side facing him. The others got the signal. "It's working." Said Rolf, as he lifted his hand and showed the glowing coin. Harry nodded and took his finger off. The glowing stopped.

"Now that it's complete, we can contact each other any time. Now, let's get back to our dorm rooms and take rest. We can go meet the teachers about starting our study practice again." The others agreed. "Can we ask our Head of Houses now itself?" asked Daphne. "I want to know whether we'll be able to set up a proper timetable as many of us are quite busy with the Quidditch tournament." "Sure, we can, Daph. Let's go. We'll meet here itself after checking with them." Said Harry and everyone parted house wise to their respective Heads of Houses' office.

The Gryffindors went to McGonagall's office and knocked on her door. She was a bit staggered when she saw the group of Gryffindors at her doorstep. "What is that all of you want?" she asked. Harry went on to explain their idea of continuing with their training whenever it was a free weekend. Minerva contemplated about their idea. "I'll have to talk about this to Severus, Filius and Pomona. You'll have to wait for the answer." She said. "Don't worry, professor. The group split and has gone to their respective head of houses about this. If possible, can we meet where all of us have been meeting this year?" Harry asked.

"Sure Mr. Potter. And where exactly is this place?" asked Minerva. "We'll show you, professor." Harry said.

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