33. The JWT

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The Potter Twins introduce the games to the rest of their friends.


The Ministry put up the schedule of the matches in the school and also gave a copy to the JWT and the other newspapers to post it in their next morning papers for the public to see and book their tickets. This made Angelina increase the practice to every morning at 6:00 AM in the morning. Since all of them were used to getting up early in the morning, it was of no issue. McGonagall thought of talking to Angelina to cut it off, but soon went against it when she saw that the practice sessions never impacted their studies.

Harry and Alaya sent their letters to Dowells regarding the games and changes as soon as they could because it was needed to produce as many games as possible for their store opening in Hogsmeade. Sirius helped them with getting the appropriate licences for the company to open their store and the latter started on their designs almost immediately, leaving the games to the production department, whose head, Audrey Langraham made sure that there were enough games to be produced for their first store in Britain.

The JWT already had a manufacturing unit in Britain for making the Wizarding Wireless Network or more commonly known as the WWN. But that facility couldn't fit in all of the other production lines. So, this made Harry and Alaya to fund them to buy a huge estate in Yorkshire that allowed them to produce more goods for their company. And they made sure that Charlus, Dorea, James and Lily were kept informed of whatever the two were doing and were really very proud of their work.

During the Christmas Holidays after the meeting,

"Are you sure you two can handle both your studies and the JWT work?" asked Lily. "Yes, mum. We're taking Uncle Moony's, Uncle Paddy's, Aunt Andy's and Uncle Ted's help with whatever it has to do with parcels and site visits. And we do the reply of letters in case needed. Since we get to meet Uncle Siri quite regularly at school, he gives us the updates." Said Alaya, with a smile on her face.

Lily nodded before she and Dorea left to go to the frame in the basement with Alaya joining her there for her family lessons while James and Charlus handled that for Harry.

Back to Present,

Once the factory in Yorkshire was built by the Magi-Architects, everyone moved in quickly and started producing everything that was needed for the store since the plush toys, the WWN radios and various other products of theirs could be ordered from various other countries that JWT was really popular in.

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