4. The Group of Friends - 2

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The huge gang of friends finally decide on a name for their group.


"We could use fake galleons that we can buy from Zonko's during our first Hogsmeade trip and cast the Protean Charm on it." Hermione suggested. "That's a good idea. But we can't only use the fake galleons. Is it possible if there are any more possible ways?" said Harry as he smiled at his best friend whom he considered his sister. Hermione smiled back and nodded. "Yes. We can use the fake galleons that are cast with the Protean Charm. Any other methods?" asked Cedric as he too agreed with Hermione. "Fred, George, amongst your other prank inventions, could you create something that could intimate all of us in case someone is in need of help?" asked Alaya.

"Sure we can, Aly." Said Fred "We could create a wristband that can tells each person where and in which situation a group member is in when he/she activates it." Said George. "We could charm it to alert the other members of the group if one or more members of the group is in danger." Said Fred "And as Hermione suggested, the fake galleon can be attached to the band material in case we go with that idea as well." Said George. Everyone agreed to this. "This is a great idea. We can use those wristbands and add the said features. We should also add a feature that allows us to record messages and send it across to the others. Just like how the patronus charm works." Said Ron. "Yes. We should add that feature too." Said Blaise, agreeing with the redhead.

"We can do all of that. But we have a problem." Said Fred. "If money is your problem, don't worry. Harry and I will give you the money for whatever stuff you need to buy. You heard what Uncle Remus and Uncle Sirius told you before the final." Said Alaya.

Fred and George looked as though Christmas came in early. They hugged Alaya and thanked her. Everyone laughed at their antics. "Guys, I have one more question. How are we to contact each other until our first Hogsmeade visit?" asked Luna.

"We'll have to pass each other notes and subtle hints whenever we want to meet." Said Terry. The others nodded. "Fred, George, when will you start making the samples?" Ernie asked.

"We'll start once we've designed and owl ordered the necessary products." Said George. Everyone nodded at this and got up to stretch themselves. "I think that's it for now. Shall we head back to the castle?" asked Susan. "Sure. Let's go. I'm starving." Said Astoria as she moved to stand by her sister.

They walked back to the castle talking and laughing about various things that they were talking about. But they were oblivious to all the professors and guests watching them through the window that was enlarged in the Headmaster's office. All the teachers, Board of Governors, Head of International Magical Cooperation Sirius Black, The Minister Cornelius Fudge and The Head of the DMLE Amelia Bones had watched the whole meeting.

"Wow! I've never seen so many students from all four houses meet at one place other than for classes." Said Amelia. "Yes Amelia. You're right." Said the Minister. "I hope it's for a good thing." He said. The others nodded at this.


Harry Potter, Alaya Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan, Neville Longbottom, Lavender Brown, Parvati Patil, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Ginerva Weasley, Lee Jordan, Katie Bell, Colin Creevey, Dennis Creevey, Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet

Ernie MacMillan, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Hannah Abbott, Susan Bones, Megan Jones, Cedric Diggory, Rolf Scamander

Terry Boot, Michael Corner, Lisa Turpin, Padma Patil, Anthony Goldstein,  Cho Chang, Roger Davis, Luna Lovegood

Blaise Zabini, Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis, Astoria Greengrass

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