26. Christmas Fun - 2

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George and Angelina finally start dating.


The group then left them alone and went to the dining room so that they could spend some lone time together. "That was actually well planned, you guys. Even we were thinking when they'll get together." Said Arthur. "Thank you, Mr. Weasley. It was actually a bit of help from Mr. Black and Mr. Lupin." said Colin.

They beamed all the more and went away, leaving the kids to go their way. Harry, Cedric, Fred and George had spoken to Snape to meet them at the potions lab. And as assured, the potions master was waiting for them. "What is it, boys?" he asked when they entered.

Harry explained his whole idea of finding an eventual cure for Lycanthropy but had settled to modifying Wolfsbane for now as the other three boys took out their notes and placed it in front of the Potions Master. Harry too, removed his notes from his satchel and placed it on the bench in front of him.

The potions master was shocked that the four teens had made changes to a complicated potion like the wolfsbane. He went through the notes and gave them the changes and suggestions that he had noticed before they tried to make the changes practically. Full moon was on the 28th of December, correctly a week from the current day. So, this was decided as an early Christmas present for Remus and Alaya.

After the potion was made, "Becky." Harry called out. "Yes, Master Harry." squeaked the little elf when she popped in. "Could you please tell Uncle Remus and my sister Alaya to come here please?" he asked. "Sure, Master Harry." she squeaked again and popped away to pass on the message to the duo.

"What is it, Harry?" asked Remus as he and his god daughter came in. Harry went on to explain the idea that he, Cedric, Fred and George had been working on since the last Hogsmeade weekend of the term and what they had been doing till now. Both the lycanthropes were stunned when they heard the idea. Alaya just went over and hugged her brother tightly and went over to the others to give them a hug after they let each other go.

Remus was next. He too hugged the boys and thanked Severus for helping them but the latter just waved it off stating that he was just helping a friend. "You both will start your doze today at dinner, alright?" asked Severus. The said two nodded and turned to the boys. "Can we see your notes?" asked Remus. "Sure." Said Harry and the four boys started explaining everything. Severus just made a copy of the changed recipe for his future reference and to start his own point of research for the furry problem.

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