12. Conversations

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Sirius explains how the tournament is going to go.


Sirius went on to tell that the general rules of Quidditch apply before he finished and regained his seat. The Headmaster and the Heads of the other two schools got up, indicating the end of the feast. Harry and Alaya exchanged looks with Susan, telling each other to go and meet their guardians. They had almost climbed the stairs, but were stopped by the Aurors of the Bulgarian and French Ministry. Cornelius was the first one to spot the trio along with Rufus, Amelia and Sirius. He ordered for the Aurors to allow them.

When Rufus saw one of them about to collect the teens' wands, "Auror Ivanov, they are the wards of Mr. Black and Madame Bones. I order you not to take away their wands." He ordered. The others retreated and stood in their places while the addresses Auror stood where he was. "Are you going to disobey an order from a senior, Auror Ivanov? I'm sure that the Head Auror in Bulgaria has told you to follow the orders of the Head Aurors appointed in the French and British Ministries as well. After all, Auror Scrimgeour is a master level Auror along with being a head." Said Amelia.

"Madame Bones, I don't mean to disobey the orders of my seniors. But it is for all of your security." He said. "We appreciate that, Auror Ivanov. But I know these three children personally and by those means, I know that they mean no harm. I would appreciate it if you don't take their wands away." Said Cornelius. "Yes Minister." Apologized the Auror. "Sorry to you too." He said to the teens. "It's okay, Auror Ivanov. You were just doing your job." Said Harry as he smiled at him and went towards his guardian along with his sister and Susan.

The Minister and Scrimgeour took leave and went with away the three school heads. "Hey, you three. What do you think about how the tournament is going?" asked Amelia. "It's good that the inter house matches are going to determine the school representations. And I love the fact that it's quidditch." Said Alaya. The adult duo smiled at the enthusiasm. "Alaya, not to hurt you, but what are you going to do about your position as the chaser for Gryffindor whenever it is scheduled around full moon?" asked Amelia. "It'll continue just like how it was going before." She said before continuing.

"Oliver knew about my problem when I joined the team. So he made sure there were reserves for all the positions including his. If he couldn't play, my team mate Angelina Johnson would take over the captaincy. And if I couldn't play, the reserve chaser, Katie Bell would come in to fill my place. The current captain Angelina too has made sure there are reserves for all the positions. So, we're good."

You guys have all of it planned then." Said Sirius. "We'll meet you after the first match, alright?"

"Okay." The student trio chirruped and went back to their common rooms, leaving Sirius and Amelia to return back to wherever they had to go to.

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