32. Introductions

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Harry and Alaya tell Neville about them owning the 'Juneur Wizarding Technologies'.


The Master Minds returned back to Hogwarts after their holidays. Alaya and Harry told them about the JWT and the games they had planned to release with the opening of the stores in Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley while on the train. This made their excitement grow and couldn't wait to try them out.

When they sat for that night's feast, Dumbledore announced that the interschool matches that had been planned was going to be opened by the general public. Everything, ranging from the tickets and quidditch merch to recording the matches was given to the company 'Juneur Wizarding Technologies'. They were also assured that the students of the three schools and the families of the students playing in the teams will be given free seats in the top boxes of the stadium for all the matches. "Any further information will be put up in the notice boards placed across the school and the ones in your respective common rooms." said Dumbledore and dismissed everyone.

The Master Minds knew that it would be Harry and Alaya who would be posting anything related to the games they had mentioned in the train and were waiting for it. The twins had told Robert Dowells to send the produced games to the Chateau and Sirius or Remus will get it to Hogwarts with them and give it to them or their head of house.

And in a week and a half after they finished the planning of the stores in Britain, the games were ready for testing in Hogwarts. And as promised, Sirius and Remus got the games for Harry and Alaya so that they can see whether the games are well approached by the pre-teens and teens of the school. They brought the games over to the RoR, AKA the Minds HQ, to open them and see whether it is good. And boy! Was it good!

"They're really very good, Harry. Can we give some suggestions about these games?" asked Terry. "Sure, you can, Terry. What do you suggest?" he asked as he got out a few pieces of parchments and started to take note. Alaya meanwhile was engaged with Cho and Luna about their suggestions.

It was mostly the Ravenclaws who suggested changes in the games. But otherwise, it was all set for production. "How are we going to get these, twins?" asked Cedric. "We'll be opening a store in Diagon Alley and in Hogsmeade. The one in Hogsmeade will open in the Hogsmeade weekend before the match between Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, which is the Valentine's day weekend, while the one in Diagon will open somewhere in June or July." Said Alaya. "That's awesome. We're looking forward to it." Said Susan with a smile. "Thank you."

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