CHAPTERS 669 - 670

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With Janell's plea, Jane felt a cut through her heart. The remaining tears she had been suppressing all this while came rolling out at once. 

She wanted to stiffen up and pretended that she couldn't see her Janell, but she couldn't do it, just like how she couldn't forget Edwin. 

She squatted down and held her child in her arms and rubbed her head. "My baby, I'm sorry! I am so sorry!" 

"Mommy, I don't want you to say sorry! I want you to be by my side!" Although Janell was young and didn't understand a lot of things, she knew that she needed both her father and mother to be happy. 

When she didn't have a mother back then, her father, grandparents, and Little Aunt loved her very much. Yet, there were always people who said that she was very pitiful. Because other children had mothers, and when she was born, her mother left her. So everyone thought that she was so pitiful. 

She wanted to be a happy child instead of a sad and pitiful child as what the other children described.

"Mommy, I love Daddy, but I also love you a lot!" Janell held her mother's head and planted a kiss with her soft lips. "If you leave me, I will cry very loudly!" Her voice was so soft. It was the childish, sweet tone of a child. 

It should have been an innocent voice, but her voice was breaking "Baby, I'm sorry! I'm really sorry!" Apart from apologizing, Jane did not know what else she could say. Her heart was aching from how sensible her daughter was. 

She was afraid of losing Edwin. Edwin didn't want to lose her, and her daughter didn't want to lose her mother too. 

She was still carrying the baby she had with Edwin. How could she be so cruel to let the child lose the father before the child was even born? 

When the child was born in the future, how would she explain to the child? How could she have the courage to tell her child that her mother had divorced the father, hence, the child could not see his father? 

What if the child asked her why she left the father? Then how should she answer? Did she want to tell the child that she left the father because she was afraid of losing him? 

What a contradictory answer, but it was true. Because she was too afraid of losing Edwin, so she asked for a divorce extremely painfully. 

Divorce was another way to lose Edwin, but this kind of loss was different from the other one. After the divorce, she was no longer his wife, but she could still hear updates about him. She would know if he was safe and fine. If she could watch him from afar, that would be more than enough. 

"Jane, do you understand now?" For the last time, Edwin gave her a chance to think about it and wanted her to make her own choice. 

"I.." She was still afraid. "What should I do?" At the thought of losing him forever if she returned to his side, the mere thought had ached her heart to the point where she could not even breathe. 

She didn't dare to return! If Jane didn't answer, it meant that she still wasn't sure.

"Janell." Edwin called for her daughter out in a low and deep voice. 

"Daddy?" Janell raised her tiny head and looked at her father. Her big eyes were filled with worry. She was very worried that her father would lose his temper again and scare her mother into tears. 

"Bring Mommy to the study." Since she wanted to work, then he would let her work. But she could only work by his side. She couldn't leave his sight ever again. 

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