Chapter 15

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Trigger Warning: abnormal eating habits (stay safe)

Aizawa was currently in the teacher's lounge for lunch. He had a bowl of ramen sitting in front of him, which he barely touched as he continued to do work on the computer and listen to the others conversations.

For some reason he wasn't feeling too hungry, even though he hasn't eaten all day. Stress does that to the body and Aizawa is always stressed, but lately the stress has been hitting him harder. Aizawa forced a bite out of his ramen noodles and swallowed. It was kind of hard to do without gagging, since he didn't have an appetite. He pushed his bowl to the side and continued working.

Mic watched from the corner of his eye as Aizawa pushed his bowl aside and noticed that it was barely touched. Man, they really needed to talk.

"You guys don't know how excited I am to interview Hawks next Friday!" Present Mic yelled, out of nowhere. He was sitting at his desk space, which was beside Aizawa.

"Well, you have been talking about it ever since you got the okay from him, sweetie." said Midnight, acknowledging Mic's outburst.

On the other side of Aizawa was All Might, who was eating on some meat buns.

Mic and Midnight continued their conversation and Aizawa blocked them out, so he could focus on the work in front of him. That was until All Might wanted to make small talk with him.

"We're you able to get Eri to sleep last night?" All Might asked, turning towards the other.

Aizawa nodded, "We both feel asleep sometime after you left, then around 1:00am I carried her to her room."

"Did she have a nightmare?" Present Mic asked, barging into their conversation.

"That's what comes with trauma."

Mic knew that Aizawa was speaking from experience. He was the only one that knew about the night terrors Aizawa had from Oboro's death and the USJ incident.

"If you ever need me to use my quirk on her, so she could fall asleep without causing you to stay up just let me know."

Midnight had the ability to put people to sleep with her quirk, by the fragrance coming off her body. But, her quirk works better on males.

"It's fine, Midnight. I want her to sleep naturally. I don't want her to be dependent on your quirk all the time." Aizawa said, standing up to throw his barely eaten bowl away. He needed to go back to his classroom.

Mic looked at the basically full bowl in Aizawa's hand. "Wait. Are you throwing that away?"

"Yeah, I'm not hungry." Aizawa then tossed the bowl in the trash without a second thought.

The teachers in the lounge didn't say a word, because they were waiting for Present Mic to say something. But, surprisingly, he didn't. Instead, Vlad spoke up.

"You did that the other day." Vlad commented, breaking the silence. Vlad then thought about the way Aizawa played around in his food a few days ago, while they discussed their classes improvements and weaknesses.

All Might ears perked up at that, but he kept it on the low. Why isn't Aizawa eating properly?
All Might looked up from his computer and at Aizawa, who was standing in the middle of the room. Aizawa acted nonchalant as Midnight was scolding him about not taking care of himself, almost like an overprotective mother. All Might then looked at Mic, who was walking out the teacher's lounge and not saying a word to anyone.

All Might got up from his desk and followed Mic into the hallway.

"Are you alright, Mic?"

"Yeah, I'm good. I just had to get out of there, before I snapped at Shouta for not taking care of himself. I didn't want to call him out in front of everybody. Ya know?"

All Might nodded. He kept silent, as he allowed Mic to keep talking.

"He's stressing." Mic just knows his friend so well. "He only does that when he's stressed, but he won't talk to me about why. I know he's balancing Eri and Shinso on top of all the other stuff he does, and he's acting like he doesn't need help. Shouta always finds a way to push people away and to deal with things his own."

"You're his best friend, you should talk to him."

"I will when Aizawa and I both have time. It's been so hard to spend time with him lately, that's why I've been having you talk to him for me."

"Well, I understand that. But, I'm not as close to him as you are. So, there's not much I can do. I've been talking to him nightly like you've been telling me too. He's been caught up in some drama with a parent."

"Who's parent?" asked Mic.

Before All Might spoke, he looked side to side to make sure that no one would hear his words. "I don't know if he wants me spreading the word, but it's Shinso's father. He's been threatening Aizawa."

"Threatening him?—" Mic stopped the words coming out of his mouth when he spotted Aizawa right behind All Might. The man literally came out of thin air.

All Might was clueless to Mic's expression and sudden lost in words, until he heard an aggravated groan behind himself.

"I just knew you couldn't keep your mouth shut, All Might." Aizawa scoffed, shaking his head in disappointment.

All Might spun around on his heels, now facing Aizawa. The man didn't look too happy, not like he ever is.

"Aizawa, I'm sorry. It slipped out." All Might bowed his head, apologetically. But, Aizawa wasn't buying it.

"How the fuck does it just slips out!? I told you not to tell anyone, because I didn't want different rumors spreading around—"

Aizawa was interrupted by Mic, who was standing behind All Might.

"If you didn't want him telling anyone, when were you going to tell me?"

That question made Aizawa stuck. When was he going to tell him? To be honest, he wasn't planning on it. But, Hizashi's been his friend for 15 years. So, why was it that Aizawa chose to tell All Might about his situation instead?

"It doesn't matter if I told you or not. What matters is that the situation between Hajime and I is being dealt with like adults now." Aizawa had his arms crossed over his chest, glaring at the two blonds in front of him.

Mic let out a soft and sad chuckle, making the other two males turn their attention to him. "Doesn't matter, huh?"

Aizawa eyes softened, "Mic, I didn't mean it like that."

"We've been best friends for 15 years, and now you act like you can't tell me what's going on."

There was awkward silence between the three of them in the hallway. That was until students began to fill the hallways for their next class. Aizawa needed to warp this conversation up.

"You're blowing this way out of proportion. When you get your thoughts together let me know, because I need to get to my students. And All Might, stop telling people information that's not yours."

Aizawa walked away from the two, not looking back. Though Aizawa seemed mad and frustrated, he was actually feeling guilty in the pit of his stomach for making Mic feel like he didn't matter to him.

He sighed and continued to walk down the hallway to his class, he could hear Iida voicing orders to his classmates in the classroom.

After a few more steps, Aizawa made it into his classroom and his students were right where they needed to be. It was Friday, so Aizawa let his students use the gym, so they could train their quirks and build up muscles.

Once school let out, he dodged going to the teachers lounge to get his stuff, because he knew All Might and Mic were in there. He really didn't want to see them right now, so Aizawa decided he'd leave his items in there, and pick it up when him and Shinso are through training.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2020 ⏰

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